Azerothcore database structure. The `quest_money_reward` table.
Azerothcore database structure The `account_tutorial` table. If you intend to use an enUS client you can download the data files below. This table contains the mapping of a quest in a world event to the condition that it will fulfill. Is the quest ID, obtained from quest_template. groupId. The `spell_bonus_data` table. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Global All the NPC's are stored in the database, for example. To edit the automatic database updater you will find the necessary settings in authserver. The `areatrigger_tavern` table. If value is -1 then it is just a place holder until proper data are Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Also hold info about their last position before joining the battleground. The `summonproperties_dbc` table. Spell custom attributes from the enumeration SpellCustomAttributes in SpellInfo. The `petition_sign` table. player_guid. Field Type Attributes Key Null Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. See character_pet. Criteria from Achievement_Criteria. This field recall a certain map based on the ID (for example, ID 30 recalls Elwynn Forest) Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project character_gifts <-Back-to:Characters. The direct corresponding id in creature table or entry in creature_template table. Field Type Description of the fields. Utilities and applications with an higher level of awareness compared to modules. This table holds all of the strings used internally by the server. The formula for it is: Value = 1 << (ID CategoryId. Field Type Attributes Key NULL Default Comment; ID: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: Yes: NO: 0: Type: TINYINT: UNSIGNED: Yes: NO: 0: If value is -1 then it is just a place holder until proper data are found on WDBs. A button is any of the places in the GUI where you can place for example a spell, item, or macro as a shortcut. See more In data/sql/base there are the files to create the base structure & contents for the 3 database (world, auth and characters). Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; eventEntry: TINYINT: UNSIGNED: NO Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Supported types: 1 - COMPLETE_ACHIEVEMENT; 2 - UPDATE_CRITERIA. dist file. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment AzerothCore. Table used for storing custom damage/healing bonus coefficients. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/u AzerothCore. The `game_event_gameobject_quest` table. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; eventEntry: TINYINT Automatic Database Updater. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; creature_id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Creature Identifier: RewOnKillRepFaction1: SMALLINT: SIGNED: NO: 0: group_member <-Back-to:Characters. Back-to:DBC. Field Type Table Structure. The slot that the item is placed in in the tab. This table holds data about wrapped/gift items. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: pool Data files. This table holds information on all the stats regarding the character. 4. An example of app is our db_assembler that is able to create and upgrade your database installation. You signed in with another tab or window. Column Name Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: 2: Value designates the bitmask used in various places of the core and database (quest_template. Indicates how much has been done. Table Structure lotId: id field from auctionhouse table. An additional identifier for each individual entry, enabling multiple equipment for one creature entry. This table is used to provide localized clients with localized string for page_texts. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: type: TINYINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: time: INT: Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The `character_aura` table. This is just a automatic counter that assigns a value to each trigger to list it. This table provides answer for a very important question. Similarly, in data/sql/updates there are the updates that our Populating the database. Maximum distance between group leader and member. An integer which ranks the spell within the chain of spell ranks for the given `spell_id`. permanent. The Auth- and You have to look into learning how to edit DBC files and learn their structure, packing MPQ patches and maybe learn Spell Editor. The `player_factionchange_quest` table. pool_pool <-Back-to:World. dbc column 1. ip_banned <-Back-to:Auth. This table is constantly in use by the core. If value is above 0 then it has been parsed with WDB files from that specific client build. Eventually core continued to load, but then got this error: Loading Creat AzerothCore. weekGames. Description of the fields. PPMChance. character_aura <-Back-to:Characters. SlotId. This table contains the base values for creature health, mana, armor, attack power, ranged Description of the fields CreatureID. quest_money_reward <-Back-to:World. Column Field Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: 2-18: sRefName: String + Loc: Includes all Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The `spell_threat` table. This table contains conditions to meet for the specified game event to be completed. field-no-description|1. Reload to refresh your session. This table holds data about temporary summoned creatures. player_factionchange_quest <-Back-to:World. For multirace channels, two (or more) separate entries must exist with the EXACT same settings for all Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; entry: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: content Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project AzerothCore. It is the language in which you want to make the translation. ) you probably don't want to backup this IMPORTANT: Make sure only the mysql database is open when you export/import your characters or guild! Trying to export/import while the auth/world server is running can lead character_equipmentsets <-Back-to:Characters. When any player enters this area or somehow interacts with a quest, this aura will be handled accordingly. See localization languages list to know which value to use for X. The `game_event_condition` table. spell_learn_spell <-Back-to:World. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; core_version: VARCHAR(120) SIGNED: YES: NULL: Core revision dumped at startup AzerothCore. Version is : 3. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. charsections_dbc' doesn't exist Your database structure is not up to date. The `spell_group_stack_rules` table. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED Description of the fields. Important: As of 19/09/24 all versions of MariaDB, MySQL 5. However, I cannot find table charsections_dbc in any of the sql files inside sql/updates. Start worldserver. areatrigger_tavern <-Back-to:World. character_battleground_data <-Back-to:Characters. creature_onkill_reputation <-Back-to:World Table Structure. minorVersion. game_event_quest_condition <-Back-to:World. Starting worldserver for the first time and database was being populated. id AzerothCore. id. field-no-description|3 player_race_stats <-Back-to:World. Table defines if auras in one spell_group can't stack with each other. channelId. entry. eventEntry. id with rewards for first dungeon this day. The `pool_pool` table. See Spell. To add new tests, just edit the existing files or create new ones. id. This table holds the percent chances for weather changes to occur in various zones. gossip_menu_option_locale <-Back-to:World. quest. The `spelldifficulty_dbc` table. The `game_event_npcflag` table. majorVersion. The id of channel. See game_event_condition. conf and worldserver. This is the pool of pools table. This table holds information on spells that should be learned at the same time a player learns another spell. conf Table Structure. counter. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Identifier: AzerothCore. Field Type Attributes Key NULL Default Comment; id: SMALLINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: auto_increment: Unique ID, automatically incremented by 1: type: Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Table Structure. You can choose from the following: Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The character GUID. 3. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; itemGuid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: Item GUID: alowedPlayers: TEXT: Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. RequiresClasses etc). update_type. guildid. 4: Exploration: Description of the fields. Quest_template. spell_threat <-Back-to:World. name_loc. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Table Structure. 0 or 8. game_event_battleground_holiday <-Back-to:World. This table contains saved data for LFG. skill_extra_item_template <-Back-to:World. Back-to:Spell Effects Reference. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; eventEntry: TINYINT Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Table Structure. Player's GUID. The GUID of the character. The `lfg_data` table. game_event_gameobject_quest <-Back-to:World. data (CMSG_SET_FACTION_INACTIVE) FACTION_FLAG_RIVAL = 0x40, // flag for the two competing outland factions FACTION_FLAG_SPECIAL = 0x80 creature_summon_groups <-Back-to:World. spell_group_stack_rules <-Back-to:World. Unit tests are located under src/test. GroupID. The quest ID of the daily quest. event_scripts Information. The time when the quest was taken, in Unix time. 1 will no longer be supported. 5a. Name of the channel. The `gm_subsurvey` table. This table stores information about which players can trade soulbound items between each other. Contains all gameobjects instances that participate to any game event. The guild ID who owns the bank. Table: quest_objectives. Contains data about character settings. Table Structure. character_social <-Back-to:Characters Contains data about character's friends/ignored list. Solid base. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; entry: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: pool Description of the fields. body. arenaTeamId. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; entry: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. This information comes from sniffs and is NOT supposed to be changed. Database Structure > World AzerothCore. module_string <-Back-to:World. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; spell_id: MEDIUMINT Description of the fields. Spell ID. spell_bonus_data <-Back-to:World. For type 1: achievement ID; for type 2: ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project This field was used to determine whether the data has been verified from WDB files. Consider upgrading to MySQL 8. You signed out in another tab or window. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI pvpstats_battlegrounds <-Back-to:Characters. File structure. Boolean 0 or 1 controlling if the player has been bound to the instance. If you intend to use any other language client you will need to extract the data yourself. The instance ID. mail_items <-Back-to:Characters This table contains data regarding items from item_instance which are being sent via email. The `gameobject` table. This table holds info about player's equipment manager settings. The `areatrigger_involvedrelation` table. See eventSchedulerType for more info) Description of the fields. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: character_guid: INT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: quest_accept_time Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close × How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. Contains data about client account and settings. ID of arena team. If the value does not meet the condition the SQL will fail on spell_enchant_proc_data_chk_1. The client build. conf and Your database structure is not up to date. team. customChance. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; eventEntry: TINYINT gm_subsurvey <-Back-to:Characters. This table contains the data that a player needs to obtain / complete in order to receive a given achievement. The `mail_server_template` table. See guild. guid. How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. The `gossip_menu_option_locale` table pool_gameobject <-Back-to:World. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; reportId: INT: UNSIGNED . time. The `pvpstats_battlegrounds` table. It identifies the whole chain. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: This is an auto increment field and this is an arbitrary number. This table holds information on modifiers for stat values applied to characters. field-no-description|4 Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The order in the creation screen depends on this. See characters. criteria. The quest ID that the creature starts. Not all zones can have their weather changed. Translated content for item_template. To enable storing this kind of informations, set Battleground. When adding entries it is best to just let the database pick the next available ID number quest_poi_points <-Back-to:World. buyout: buyout price of lot Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. This table contains all models of mobs, their gender and other information that are model related. character_stats <-Back-to:Characters. conf at SaveRespawnTimeImmediately. quest_tracker <-Back-to:Character. The `spell_learn_spell` table. attributes. Max length is 8000 characters. Column Field Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: 2: Flags: Integer: 3: FactionID: iRefID: Faction template ID. rank. Contains all the teleport triggers definition. name field for language X. The `acore_string` table. Enable = 1 in worldserver. # it can also export the full db in a single sql file. updates <-Back-to:Auth <-Back-to:Characters Table Structure. guid. Field Type Attributes Key NULL Default Comment; ID: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Unique ID (quest_template. Angle between leader and member Note: Only degrees are used! Description of the fields. This table holds information about when using certain profession spells, you have the chance of creating more than one copy of the item. This table is used to complete . This in the content of this small dbc Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The `achievement_criteria_data` table. condition_id. or macro as a shortcut. This table holds threat values on all spells that should either give or take away threat. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid AzerothCore. This table holds datas about BattleGrounds scores. The `Game_event_battleground_holiday` table. Field Type Attributes Key Null Description of the fields. weekWins Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The `group_member` table. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comments; id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. AzerothCore. field-no-description|3. This table holds info about group members. conf under UPDATE SETTINGS. first_spell_id. The `quest_money_reward` table. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; ID: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED dist. The GUID of the item bought by the vendor. type. For the purposes of this wiki article, the zone IDs, names, mapID and AreaID will be included. Acore-Node-Server is a modular nodejs application written in TS/JS that exposes GraphQL and Rest API useful to create any kind of applications based on azerothcore database. The date when this achievement was earned. game_event_arena_seasons <-Back-to:World. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; module: VARCHAR(255) PRI: NO: module dir name, eg mod-cfbg achievement_criteria_data <-Back-to:World. This table stores the lag reports made by players ingame (when they click on "Help Request"). areatrigger_teleport <-Back-to:World. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit This table provides data for spell linking system, telling it which spells trigger what, and under which conditions. Contains aura information that is loaded when a character is loaded, so the auras that were on the character when it logged out are still kept when it logs back in. Basically all item changes made when player changes faction. bugfixVersion. Determains what quest should be changed during a faction change Table Structure. Holds scripts activated whenever an event is activated, be it by an object or as the spell effect SPELL_EFFECT_SEND_EVENT (61). Table Structure Description of the fields. petition_sign <-Back-to:Characters. The tab ID where the item is currently placed in. The id is called in the script, and depending on what version of the dungeon/raid the characters are in, the proper spell ID will be casted by the creature. Azerothcore is designed in such a way that you can also edit the values of skills and abilities (collectively called 'spells' in the field) but adding a new ability has to be done both in the code and in AreaTable. AzerothCore is a complete Open Source and Modular solution for MMO development. The `game_event_quest_condition` table. Column Field Type Notes Extra info; 0: eventID: Integer: Holiday event ID: 1: eventStage1Duration: Integer: Stage1 event length (for stage1: either as preparation or main event. firstQuestId. StoreStatistics. This table contains information for server mail to be sent to players that meet the requirement. It is possible to group summons and create boss waves of adds etc. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Table Structure Database Structure. If stationery is 62, body has formatted data:. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add Table Structure. This table can be overriden by `creature_movement_override` summonproperties_dbc. See item_instance. areatrigger_involvedrelation <-Back-to:World. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; alliance_id: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: horde_id: INT: SIGNED: PRI: NO: Description of the fields. Enchantment ID from SpellItemEnchantment. lfg_dungeon_template <-Back-to:World Table Structure. See quest_template. If there is more than one of the same entry (more than one text the creature says), this column is used to choose if it is a random say or an ordered list. This table is used to add a holiday to a battleground, for things like extra reputation / honor. entry and then the row will be used to provide localization support for this creature record. h AzerothCore. AreaTable. build. Modifying a character's stats would generally be in The Auth- and Worldserver checks and applies all needed database files at startup. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; pool_id Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guildid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: Guild account_tutorial <-Back-to:Characters. See guild_bank_tab. achievement_criteria_data; achievement_dbc; achievement_reward; AzerothCore uses a MySQL/MariaDB database server, containing 3 databases: acore_world for the world objects (quests, NPCs, etc. See [arena_team#arenateamid]. content. player_factionchange_items <-Back-to:World. Structure. Entry. Database Structure > World-Database > event_scripts. hash: CHAR(40) YES '' SHA1 hash of the sql file. Column Field Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: 2: InternalName: String: reference to World\Map\ [] \ 3: Flags: Integer: 0x100 Description of the fields. acore_string <-Back-to:World. This table contains npcflags that are to be added to an NPC when the specified event is active for the creature with the given guid. game_event_npcflag <-Back-to:World. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; eventEntry: TINYINT gameobject <-Back-to:World. Use "," to separate table names; ex: mysql_dump "" Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close × Database World A. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; dungeonId: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: This field is used to determine if the data originates from verified sniffs. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; dungeonId: INT: UNSIGNED AzerothCore. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Global Unique Identifier: Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close × The `character_account_data` table. locale. bid: ending bid for this lot. spell. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; ip: VARCHAR(15) SIGNED: PRI: NO: 127. Map. FAQ; Common Errors; Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. config. arg1. The `quest_poi_points` table. Max level at which this reward is rewarded. ID. See instance. # TABLES -> use "" to dump all tables. Table Structure Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close × How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. docker-compose down docker-compose up fixes the problem, but wipes the database (i think the migration script is doing t Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The \lag\_reports\ table. You can choose from the following: Description of the fields. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; realmid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: acctid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: Current Behaviour Fresh compile of core on Linux. This is a link to the event entry in the game_event table. The module_string table. The `quest_tracker` table. Visually speaking, this table is used to identify the X and Y coordinates on the map (not the minimap - the main map) where a quest's question mark should appear. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; eventEntry: TINYINT AzerothCore. guildid. The `spell_area` table. Number of games played this week. The pet GUID. skill_discovery_template <-Back-to:World. ID) Emote1: SMALLINT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: If value is -1, it is just a place holder until proper data are found on WDBs. This table holds information of string entries for modules. You can create a pool with a chance of a range of pools in that pool being activated. This table contains all of the banned IPs and the date when (or if) the ban will expire. The `character_gifts` table. instance. CreatureID. This table controls the so called "discovery" system of learning spells. They can act in the lifecycle operations of the project such as the CI, the installation of modules, database migration etc. This table contains spell data regarding cpp scripts. Table: creature_summon_groups. lag_reports <-Back-to:Characters. realmcharacters <-Back-to:Auth. game_event_condition <-Back-to:World. The `player_race_stats` table. The `page_text_locale` table. The Modular Structure; Create a script; Hooks Bash; Hooks Cmake; Hooks C++; Help. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; spellId: MEDIUMINT Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project. quest_objectives <-Back-to:World. dungeonId. This is the alliance Description of the fields. TotemCategory. This DBC contains Summon Properties (EffectMiscValueB) for Spell Effect SPELL_EFFECT_SUMMON (28) Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project The `item_soulbound_trade_data. Groups 0-4 are AzerothCore. It must be a unique number. SpellId from Spell. This table is used to store the tutorial state of all the accounts. TabId. paidMoney spell_area <-Back-to:World. See creature_template. item_guid. . If you want to know how the SQL directory works or plan to have custom changes we recommend you read this. mail_server_template <-Back-to:Character. dbc. The `character_battleground_data` table. entry. dbc file information. Auth; Characters; World; Overview. Boolean 0 or 1 controlling if the spell is active or not. This DBC contains the zone and subzone lists. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Dungeon ID from LFGDungeons. Current Behaviour "ac-authserver" and "ac-worldserver"are crashing and keep restarting after a few hours of runtime. angle. The `player_factionchange_items` table. By default, the Worldserver and Authserver will check for, and execute all new files into the database you specified in the config. page_text_locale <-Back-to:World. All of the values in this table signify only the stat value modifiers based on the race of a character. This table contains the description of creatures movements, where the creature can move and attack. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; roupId: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: NULL: roupName: VARCHAR(100) NO: NULL: roupFlags: INT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: Description of the fields. It supports the fetching of nesting data from multiple realms, graphql subscriptions (websockets) to implement real-time data, integrated Access Control Layer, user registration and pass recovery system, Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. This table holds information on quests that should only be available when an event is currently taking place. done. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; id Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Contains all the individual button data for each character. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Table Structure. 7 and 8. You have to compile your core by passing -DBUILD_TESTING=1 in your cmake command. Column Field Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: 2: reputationIndex: Integer: state stored in characters. How to Import DBC Data onto my Database How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. If the value does not meet the condition the SQL will fail on creature_formations_chk_1. This field is from SkillLineCategory. Field Type Key Null Default Extra Comment; ID: MEDIUMINT: PRI: NO: 0: locale: VARCHAR(4) PRI: NO: NULL: MaleText: text: YES: If value is -1 then it is just a place holder until proper data are found on WDBs. If value is 0 then it has not been parsed yet. creature_model_info <-Back-to:World. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Description of the fields. This table contains the answers to the survey questions. The `creature_model_info` table. creature_template_movement <-Back-to:World. Unit testing at AzerothCore How to compile and run the AC unit tests. PageTextMaterial. The quest ID of the rewarded quest. It's linked to gm_survey. This table holds information on all the signatures of a petition for either a guild or an arena team. The spell ID. name. game_event_gameobject <-Back-to:World. Comes from sniffs. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; alliance_id: INT: UNSIGNED Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The `character_equipmentsets` table. active. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; mail_id: INT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: item_guid: INT Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The `game_event_gameobject` table. Field Type Attributes Key NULL Default Comment; ID: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: EmoteOnComplete: SMALLINT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: EmoteOnIncomplete: SMALLINT: If value is -1, it is just a place holder until proper data are found on WDBs. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; group_id: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI Description of the fields. version <-Back-to:World Includes information on current core and database version. The `skill_discovery_template` table. spelldifficulty_dbc <-Back-to:World. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit this table holds the re-spawn data so that the game objects don't re-spawn immediately on server restart. exe; To edit the automatic database updater you will find the necessary settings in authserver. I'm so sorry Leave blank to dump all tables. The `skill_extra_item_template` table. 3 Description of the fields. date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders. The `game_event_arena_seasons` table. This table enables dynamically rewarding money dependent on player's level. dbc which is first rank of spell rank chain. The `areatrigger_teleport` table. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; spell_trigger: MEDIUMINT: SIGNED: NO When starting world server, it reports [1146] Table 'acore_world. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; Level: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Database Squash; DBC Index; Directory structure; Doxygen Documentation; Exit Codes; GM Commands; How to Debug and Restart; Extend AzerothCore. Allow access to channel from specified player faction ID. Table Structure Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. condition_id. The GUID of the player eligible for the refund. Automatic Database Updater. This table holds information for each character in a battleground. hexID: hex value of itemowner's GUID (guid field from characters table). This table holds the individual object data on each spawned game object in the world. The `character_stats` table. entry to which the script is linked to. This is the creature_template. This entry must be the same as item_template. The `pool_gameobject` table. and under which conditions. itemCount: amount of item at this Lot. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; eventEntry: TINYINT: SIGNED: NO Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close ×. Enable a trigger when player enters a city or tavern. Field Type Attribute Key Null Default Extra Comment; CreatureID: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: School: TINYINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: If value is -1 then it is just a place holder until proper data are found on WDBs. field-no-description|2. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; ownerguid AzerothCore. spell_id. procEx Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Field Description of the fields. hexID:bid:buyout:deposit:cut:delay:eta. maxlevel. The `realmcharacters` table The data in this table is maintained by the core. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Table Structure. TabId. This data along with the object's template data is read and used to instantiate the objects in the world. alliance_id. # DATABASE -> specify database to process, use "" for default ( see in mysql-config ) # METHOD -> 0/1 (0: no fulldb,1: use fulldb) default: ( see in mysql-config ) # CONFIGPATH -> specify alternative path of config file, use "" to check in source folder # mysql-dump utilization: # This script will export all tables from specified db and tables in separated sql files # it can also Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project This table contains data related to the use of the anti-cheat tool Warden, which can be enabled in Worldserver. This DBC contains material used to display a gossip window for quest or page text. 1. AzerothCore has a solid base from years of development: it is based on MaNGOS, TrinityCore, and SunwellCore. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; entry: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED AzerothCore. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close × The `account_data` table. This table contains gameobjects that are tied to a specific pool. Enable a trigger to finish one condition of a quest (explore) Table Structure. The character guid. This is the Group ID for the group. How often the re-spawn time is saved for game objects can be controlled in trinitycore. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; accountId: INT: Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project lfg_data <-Back-to:Characters. For any given zone the percentage of all weather types for each season should total, and not exceed 100%. This table can only contain gameobjects that have a type of GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE. 0 Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The text contained in the mail. The ID of the creature. This DBC contains the maps list. Help Description of the fields. Data files enUS (AC Data v16) Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The `ip_banned` table. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; name: VARCHAR(200) PRI: NO: Filename with extension of the update. This table is used to apply a specific spell aura to the player within an area in the game. What do I need to do in order to finish a quest? Description of the fields. Value must be >=0. tuuhygafflcgilexkbqwiyndgfqxeyrgznofftwrlvjvvelugmlsawiz