Commodore 64 serial number. Originally the C64 video port was a 5-pin DIN socket.
Commodore 64 serial number Originally the C64 video port was a 5-pin DIN socket. This page is dedicated to keeping track of the C64's that are still alive and well and in the hands of collectors around the world. The best way to determine the year of manufacture is looking at the PCB serial number sticker to see which year is crossed off. Thanks for visiting the Commodore 64 serial registry. All PSG's bow down to SID! An interactive serial number registry for hardware collectors. Or look at the chips and find the "youngest chip". You can enter all the information on all your C64's into the database so we can find trends, as well as who owns the earliest and latest C64. On this occasion, Commodore Büromaschinen GmbH (Commodore's German subsidiary) released a limited edition of a golden C64, serial numbers 1,000,000 to 1,000,199 , which was presented to the public in the BMW museum in Germany Commodore had rented for this event. I have a short question; where is the serial number on the commodore 64 Reloaded (V1) and how do I find it? Only the first 20 boards has "numbered" serial numbers, as they were sold in an auction. But all PCBs, of which there were 16 versions, were manufactured in Hong Kong, and most versions were numbered sequentially, starting at 0 for each new version. You can find a detailed breakdown of serial numbers and various attributes at the C64 Perservation Project C64 Serial Registry. Perhaps we can find who has the earliest and the latest serial numbers once and for all? Commodore 64 computers were produced in at least 11 different factories worldwide with different and not immediately obvious conventions for serial numbers. All other boards have the "warranty ID", which is a 5-digit/character code without a numbered reference. One of When Commodore first made the Commodore 64 (C64) available, it put out this version which is known as the “silver label” model because of the distinctively different top silver label and the stylized “64 “power light label. If the video port is an 8-pin DIN socket, then it is not from an early production run. Perhaps we can find who has the earliest and the latest serial numbers once and for all? Is there a way to tell the unit number (as in what number out of all the C64s on earth is it) that my C64 is? Would the serial number say which unit number i Until December 1986(?) , 1,000,000 Commodore 64s have been sold in Germany. The best way to determine the year of manufacture is looking at the PCB serial number sticker to see which year is crossed off. . zzrvonmijwprjagecmdzxokkrryewdzrrymcxtbkcexgbriytgm