Enum extension swift But I'm facing a challenge with "Circular reference" when trying to move protocols to their appropriate locations: enum E {} // Swift 5. My question is can I extend enums like any other struct or object so I don't have to add the var s: String {} property to each enum? You can define Swift enumerations to store associated values of any given type, and the value types can be different for each case of the enumeration if needed. extension Rank: CaseIterable {} extension Suit: CaseIterable {} func generateDeck() -> [Card] { var deck = [Card](); Im trying to write an extension for an enum that is CaseIterable so that i can get an array of the raw values instead of the cases, using enum as string inside an extension swift. You cannot add extra cases to an enum. Int), but still want to have names for case values: enum IntEnum: Int { case one case two case three } let v: IntEnum = v. Contribute to justFI/OcEnum2SwiftSafeEnum development by creating an account on GitHub. If you maintain a library where you expect your users to model their domains with enums, then providing case path tools to them can help them break their Sep 16, 2024 · Generics are one of the most powerful features of Swift, and much of the Swift standard library is built with generic code. In fact, This extension to the Container protocol adds a subscript that takes a sequence of indices and returns an array containing the items at each given index. 0 开始被引入,目标是取代现有的 NSCoding 协议,它对结构体,枚举和类都支持。Codable 的引入简化了JSON 和 Swift 类型之间相互转换的难度,能够把 JSON 这种弱类型数据转换成代码中使用的强类型数据。 Mar 30, 2020 · view 的extension就无法完成这个。因为它无法去记录点击状态。如果用自定义的View,就无法达到代码复用的效果。如果我们在view 的 extension外用变量去记录点击状态,这就不好玩了啊,这样就把逻辑代码一部分放在了view 的 extension 外,一部分封装在调用 Jun 16, 2021 · Creating an extension in Swift. ; You can use it to define picker values. A constant type property of a class is always implicitly final; you can’t mark it with the class or final declaration modifier to Feb 28, 2024 · Hi there, I'm excited about Swift 5. So I used associative stored property in swift extension, but as ConnectionState has associated values I need to do little more. The Rank enumeration describes the thirteen possible playing card ranks, together with a raw Int value to represent their face value. , initial, loaded, Mar 10, 2017 · Hello everyone, As I was writing a program, I realised that I could make it safer by being able to list all possible cases of a Swift enum. public enum StringTypeLength {/// Unicode字符个数 case count /// utf8 case utf8 /// utf16获取长度对应NSString的. You introduce enumerations with the enum keyword and place their entire definition within a pair of braces: enum Minor addition: if we add private init() {} to the Struct example, it will also hold the "advantage" of not being able to be accidentally instantiated on-the-fly. One such new feature in Swift 4. In some programming languages they are simple little things, but Swift adds a huge amount of power to them if Mar 18, 2023 · I have no idea if that's possible without two instances. Let's create an enum called Device. Oct 23, 2021 · 在这个例子中,Generated Swift Interface 已经挺不错了。例如使用 NS_ENUM 来声明 Objective-C 枚举,这样在导入到 Swift 中时就会变成 enum 类型,可以看看 iOS 混编|为 Objective-C 添加枚举宏,改善混编体验 —— NS_ENUM。 不过,还是存在可以改进的 We can achieve this using an extension. 可以声明方法且必须实现 protocol protocol: 1. Enumeration Syntax. For example, this Sep 16, 2024 · Enumerations in Swift are much more flexible, and don’t have to provide a value for each case of the enumeration. Swift Standard Library Extensions. rawValue // int value here Sep 5, 2023 · Having said that, it would be practical to make it so that the Swift overlay of an Objective-C module, or the Swift half of a mixed-language target, could declare an extension with a conformance and no implementation to apply the automatic synthesis logic that's used for pure Swift types. Here, currentSeason is a Season type variable. This week, let's take a look In Swift enum, we learned how to define a data type that has a fixed set of related values. 9 protocol EP: Sendable {} // 🆗 extension E: EP {} // Swift 5. 10 extension E { protocol P: Sendable {} // 🆖 Circular reference } extension E: E. Nov 18, 2018 · A really elegant aspect of Swift's take on optionals is that they're largely implemented using the type system - since all optional values are actually represented using an enum under the hood. Extension for String enum implementing CaseIterable Swift 4. ). 扩展(Extension) Swift中的扩展,有点类似于OC中的分类 Oct 15, 2020 · 除了附加方法的能力之外,Swift也允许你在枚举中使用协议 (Protocols) 和协议扩展 (Protocol Extension)。 Swift Swift 的枚举 特别适用于构建一组相关的错误状态,可以通过关联值来为其增加额外的附加信息 Jun 12, 2021 · Swift枚举在创建时不会分配默认整数值。spring,summer,autumn和winter不等于0,1,2,3。相反,这些值的类型是已经明确定义好的Season 类型 枚举使用 当season的类型已知时,再次为其赋值可以省略枚举类型名 enum Season { case spring,summer var Jun 10, 2021 · Codable 简介 Codable 协议在 Swift4. :) Also, it's very useful to print the enum names in logging/debugging messages. To declare a constant type property, mark the declaration with the static declaration modifier. Swift extensions shine when it comes to adding protocol conformance to an existing type. Let’s create a basic enum to see some of these benefits. If a value (known as a raw value) is provided for each enumeration case, the value can be a string, a character, You introduce enumerations with the enum keyword and place their entire definition within a pair of braces: enum Sep 16, 2024 · The Suit enumeration describes the four common playing card suits, together with a raw Character value to represent their symbol. You can use it to declare setting options, e. length方法 case utf16 /// unicodeScalars case unicodeScalars } func typeLengh (_ type: String+Extension. Just looking at this I would say you might want to consider removing . Here we have a Direction enum. If a value (known as a raw value) is provided for Initialization, Extensions, and Protocols. Grab the deal . This would avoid both halves of the code-size issue: the Apr 25, 2023 · Swift 扩展 扩展可以给一个现有的类,结构体,枚举,还有协议添加新的功能。它还拥有不需要访问被扩展类型源代码就能完成扩展的能力(即逆向建模)。扩展和 Objective-C 的分类很相似。(与 Objective-C 分类不同的是,Swift 扩展是没有名字的。 Aug 26, 2018 · With each new release, Swift keeps getting better and better at creating compiler-generated implementations of common boilerplate. If the enum cases are equal and their associated values match, the function returns true; otherwise, it returns false. I've tried the following, but the docs say enums in Swift are not assigned underlying integer values like in C, so I'm probably barking up the wrong tree. These terms could sound familiar if you’ve worked extensively with Swift enums. allCases. For example, // class definition class Temperature { } // extension of Temperature class extension Temperature { // add new methods } Here, we have created an extension of the Temperature class using the extension keyword. swift. The static func == checks if the associated values of two enums are equal for each case. simple = message else { return XCTFail( nonMatchingEnumCaseMessage(message, exampleMatch: . Classes in Swift can call and access methods, properties, and subscripts belonging to their superclass and can provide their own overriding versions of those methods, properties, and subscripts to refine or modify their behavior. A common way to resolve this is to declare Environment [1] as a struct and then declare each case as a static property: Extensions add new functionality to an existing class, structure, enumeration, or protocol type. A compound type is a type without a name, defined in the Swift language itself. The associated type RawType is String. Extensions can add new nested types to existing classes, structures, and enumerations: extension Int {enum Kind {case negative As enum in Swift does not have index of its values (please read the post in Martin R's comment), you have to create your self some 'index' function or to map all values to an Array to have the index. We represented routes as enums, and added a custom initializer to parse routes: enum Route Sep 19, 2019 · Swift也允许你在枚举中使用协议(Protocols)和协议扩展(Protocol Extension)。 Swift协议定义一个接口或类型以供其他数据结构来遵循。enum当然也不例外。我们先从Swift标准库中的一个例子开始. Aug 29, 2023 · This kind of extension allows you to add functionality to protocols and their conforming types in a clean and modular way. The examples below apply equally to class, struct, enum, extension, and protocol (with the obvious exception that all but the first do not have superclasses in their inheritance list, but they are Dec 14, 2022 · Make your enum conform to the Identifiable protocol. forever ), our internal handling code ends up becoming somewhat complex — since we’ll need to handle each RepeatMode case Sep 8, 2023 · Enumerations in Swift are a powerful tool for creating custom data types that restrict the possible values. (This raw Int value isn’t used for the Jack, Queen, King, and Ace cards. Adding Protocol Conformance. These additional information attached to enum values are called Sep 9, 2021 · Before Swift 5. P {} What's the Aug 8, 2019 · 前言 枚举声明的类型是囊括可能状态的有限集,且可以具有附加值。通过内嵌(nesting),方法(method),关联值(associated values) 和模式匹配(pattern matching) 枚举可以分层次地定义任何有组织的数据。和 switch 语句类似,Swift 中的枚举乍看之下更像是 C 语言中枚举的进阶版本,即允许你定义一种类 Mar 1, 2023 · 扩展(Extension)是Swift 中一种特殊的结构体,用于为已有类型(包括类、结构体、枚举和协议)添加新的功能。扩展可以添加新的实例方法、类型方法、计算属性、下标脚本、嵌套类型等,但不能添加存储属性或向已有属性添加观察器。扩展不会 Nov 1, 2021 · So, we could rewrite our weekdays into a new enum like this: enum Weekday { case monday case tuesday case wednesday case thursday case friday } That calls the new enum Weekday, and provides five cases to handle the five weekdays. 75. Enumerations in Swift are much more flexible, and don’t have to provide a value for each case of the enumeration. g. As mentioned above, the Rank May 27, 2021 · So let’s explore another approach instead, by converting our Category enum into a RawRepresentable struct, which once again lets us leverage Swift’s built-in logic for encoding, decoding, and handling string conversions for such types: extension Podcast { struct Category: RawRepresentable, Codable, Hashable { var rawValue: String} } Create enum variables. When creating an extension, you add the word extension before the name. 2 this either took hacks, hand-coding, or Sourcery code generation to accomplish, but now all you need to do is make your enum conform to the CaseIterable protocol. Extensions in Swift let you introduce new capabilities to existing types, including enums. Properties We can't add actual stored properties to an enum, but we can create computed properties. times(5) and . ; You can use it for your view model state, e. You can implement as in this post or another way to do: enum Status: String { case online = "online" case offline = "offline" case na = "na" static func index(of aStatus: Handling Unknown Enum Cases in Swift with Codable protocol UnknownCodable: RawRepresentable, Codable where RawValue: Codable { static var (this snippet supports Int an String RawValue type enums, but can be easy extended to fit other types) extension NSCoder { func encodeEnum<T: RawRepresentable>(_ value: T I create enum in blank swift file for manage color Schemes in my App with this block of code: enum Color { case border case waterMelon case bleu case ufoGreen case lightBlue } In the bottom of that I created a extension base on Color enum I just made. None. Jan 8, 2022 · 使用 struct 的方式,在 swift 可以继续保留 swift case 的支持,不同的是会有 default case 的存在,因为不是可穷举的,这在未来新增 case 时,需要在用到该枚举的地方逐个查找并补充,相对 enum 类型没有编译器的支持,权衡得失,问题不会太大。 Dec 3, 2024 · Enum usage in Swift: If case, guard case, fallthrough, associated values, and the CaseIteratable protocol. Each case has one or more associated values. 只可以创建计算属性且不可实现 Aug 21, 2017 · Because ServiceProvider class is not Swift class, its ObjC class and there is no way we I can declare ConnectionState swift enum with associated values in ObjC class. And that's a case where you don't want to change every enum to use raw Strings. There are Apr 26, 2023 · 扩展(Extension) Swift中的扩展,有点类似于OC中的分类(Category)。 扩展可以为枚举、结构体、类、协议添加新功能,可以添加计算属性、方法、下标、嵌套类型、协议、便捷初始1. 2 is the new CaseIterable protocol - that enables us to tell the compiler to automatically synthesize an allCases collection for any RawRepresentable enum. Because they’re named types, you can extend their behavior to suit the needs of your program, using an extension declaration, discussed in Extensions and Extension Declaration. It's contain a computed property called year , which return the first By far the most common use of case paths is as a tool inside a library that is distributed to other developers. We use the extension keyword to declare an extension. A basic Oct 4, 2024 · 扩展(Extension) Swift中的扩展,有点类似于OC中的分类(Category) 扩展可以为枚举、结构体、类、协议添加新功能 可以添加方法、计算属性、下标、(便捷)初始化器、嵌套类型、协议等等 扩展不能办到的事情 不能覆盖原有的功能 不能添加存储属性,不能向已有的属性添加属性观察器 不能添加父 Jul 7, 2022 · 文章浏览阅读929次。Swift 在枚举中使用协议(Protocols)和协议扩展(Protocol Extension)_swift 可枚举协议 Swift 中的协议(protocol)和扩展(extension)是用于构建灵活、可重用代码的重要工具。协议定义了实现某些功能所需的方法和属性,而扩展允许向已有类型添加新功能,使代码更加模块化。 Nov 2, 2021 · Notice that we inherited from String, such that this is enum conforms to RawRepresentable. It is widely known that doing so has serious impact in build time Feb 5, 2021 · As someone who was against SE-0025 and SE-0169 I agree with @Nevin's conclusions:. In Swift Talk 45, we wrote a small library for parsing routes. 16. That gives us some interesting capabilities, since we can extend that enum to add our own convenience APIs and other kinds of functionality. , notification frequency. extension SomeNamedType { // Extending Sep 16, 2024 · Inheritance is a fundamental behavior that differentiates classes from other types in Swift. If you wanted to optimize allocations (utilize a temporary fixed-size on-stack buffer or an arena allocator) this is a lot more tricky in swift. At compile time, Swift will automatically generate Oct 7, 2023 · To create an extension in Swift, you use the extension keyword followed by the name of the type you want to extend. (Naturally this "advantage" could be circumvented by some dev-user by including a initializer in an extension to the Struct: but if we'd for some reason prefer to use a Struct in a "pure namespace" fashion, rather than an enum, Dec 20, 2024 · Here, the area computed property calculates the circle's area dynamically, demonstrating the power of Swift extensions. They can be used to improve code readability, prevent errors and structure data. rawValue // string here in some cases i have to use a different raw type for some reason (e. Posted on March 13th, 2018. Prior to Swift 4. Enumerations similar to these are known as discriminated unions, tagged Since I wanted all my enums to be able to be handled independently of their type, the Swift way to do this is through protocols. Sep 5, 2024 · In this example, the Shape enum defines three enum cases: circle, rectangle, and square. By applying extensions to enums, you can distinguish your enum declaration from extra methods or computed properties, resulting in This article will guide you on the following topics: when to use Enums, their syntax, enum’s types, iterating them, enum’s properties and methods, associate values and If you can provide an example of an enum as well it might be easier to see what could be improved. CustomStringConvertible是一个以打印为目的的自定义格式化输出 Apr 23, 2020 · But the perfectionist in me thinks that since Swift has the meta-data for the case name, there should be a standard way to get it, without changing the implementation of my enum. extension Video { enum Sep 14, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读8. 10's ability to nest protocol declarations. Pre-SE-0025, private meant fileprivate, and so private extension meant fileprivate extension. Creating extensions is similar to creating named types in Swift. (Unlike Objective-C categories, Swift extensions don’t have names. An enumeration defines a May 28, 2019 · Swift has a CaseIterable protocol that automatically generates an array property of all cases in an enum. ) Extensions in Swift can: Add computed instance properties and computed type properties. This week, let's take a look at some examples of Jul 19, 2020 · extension Animation { enum RepeatMode: Equatable { case once case times(Int) case never case forever } } However, while the above results in a very neat API (by enabling us to use “dot-syntax”, like . enum Direction {case north case south case east case west} Jul 11, 2019 · Several times I have had situations where the cases of an enum, conceptually, have both and integer value and a string value that they correspond to. 5, if we wanted to make an enum that contains associated values conform to Codable, then we’d have to write all of that code manually. Here the extension: Extensions in Swift allow you to extend classes, structs, protocols, and enumerations, even when you don't have access to the source code. This is similar to what has been described there: Jan 8, 2021 · 在 Swift 中,如何能迭代获取 enum 的所有 case 呢?答案就是 CaseIterable。通过遵守 CaseIterable 协议,可以通过 allCases 属性来获取所有 case 的集合。 获取所有的 case enum Direction: CaseIterable { case east case west case north case south } // 可以获取所有 case 的数量 let count = Direction. and applicable to Swift 5. I appreciate your time. In general, the name of a source file best describes the primary entity that it contains. To enable it, all you need to do is make your enum conform to the CaseIterable protocol and at compile time Swift will automatically generate an allCases property that is an array of all your enum’s cases, in the order you defined them. Here’s the basic syntax: extension TypeName {// Add new methods, properties, initializers, or conform to protocols here} Let’s explore some practical examples to understand how extensions work. swift 新增 字符值引用 (numeric character reference, NCR)与普通字符串 Jan 3, 2024 · 在 Swift 中,扩展可以为已存在的类型添加新的下标。下标可以定义在类、结构体和枚举中,是访问集合、列表或序列中元素的快捷方式。 下面的例子为 Swift 的内置类型 Int 添加了一个下标,该下标接受一个 Int 类型的数组作为输入,返回数组中对应索引的元素: Enumerations – usually just called “enum” and pronounced “ee-num” - are a way for you to define your own kind of value in Swift. If you did this you could write: Extensions are similar to categories in Objective-C. Cyber Weekend: Save 50% on RocketSim & Going Indie Course. Use the enum itself as the ID since it already conforms to Hashable. It can only store values (spring, summer, autumn, winter) present inside the Oc Enum To Swift Safe Enum. However, sometimes we may want to attach additional information to enum values. With SE-0025 (but not SE-0169), @xwu's explanation is correct: private extension is effectively still fileprivate because (a) applying private to all members would have been Sep 16, 2024 · In Swift, there are two kinds of types: named types and compound types. Regular expressions will be case sensitive by default, and not anchored to the start/end of a path. Since enum is a data-type, we can create variables of enum type. 0. AFAIK swift doesn’t support plugging-in custom allocators for the arrays. Codable enum with default case in Swift 4. This can be accomplished by having one be the raw value and the other be a computed property, but the choice of which should be the raw value is arbitrary, and the computed property is boilerplate. guard case . simple("")) ) } Oct 25, 2015 · 扩展(Extension) Swift中的扩展,有点类似于OC中的分类(Category) 扩展可以为枚举、结构体、类、协议添加新功能 可以添加方法、计算属性、下标、(便捷)初始化器、嵌套类型、协议等等 扩展不能办到的事情 不能覆盖原有的功能 不能添加存储属性,不能向已有的属性添加属性观察器 不能添加父 Nov 30, 2022 · 筆者がいろんな言語を使用してきて、他の言語と異なる気になると感じたSwiftで押さえておきたい構文を「なにが出来るの?」といった視点で紹介していきます。 今回はEnumについて公式サイトの説明を使用しながら解りやすく解説していきます C,C++,JavaでEnumを扱ってきましたがSwiftでEnumを使用 Sep 16, 2024 · The type annotation (: type) is optional in a constant declaration when the type of the constant name can be inferred, as described in Type Inference. This means that when you compile code that includes macros as dependencies, you also have to compile swift-syntax . 只可以创建计算属性且必须实现, 2. This is very useful in many areas of iOS applications. . 2k次。mutating单词翻译过来有“可变化,可改变”的意思。它主要用在Swift中的:结构体(struct)、枚举(enum) 扩展(extension)、协议(protocol)中修饰方法Swift结构体(struct)、枚举(enum) 中均可以包含类方法和实例方法 Mar 3, 2021 · extension向已有的struct、enum、class中添加新功能扩展不能重写已有功能计算型属性构造器和方法嵌套类型protocol协议规定了用来实现某一特定功能所必需的方法和属性protoco Jun 5, 2019 · All Swift source files end with the extension . String)} // The implementation of the Playable protocol for the MediaType enum extension MediaType: Playable {func play() Mar 13, 2018 · Swift Tip: Enum Initializers. Mar 7, 2022 · 枚举 枚举的基本用法 在Swift中,通过enum关键字来声明一个枚举,和结构体struct一样,也是一个值类型,同时也可以添加方法、计算属性、也可以遵循协议(protocol),支持扩展(extension)。 Swift中枚举的基本用法如下: enum FWJEnum { case Test_One case Test_Two case Test_Three} Dec 30, 2019 · 学习SwiftUI过程中,发现官方文档中使用的几个协议,了解一下做了记录。 *对象的比较,原本比较的是两者的内存地址是一样的,很多时候这显然满足不了我们的需求,通过实现Equatable协议的方法,我们可以满足我们的需求,比较出两个对象属性值相等的情况。 Swift macros depend on the swift-syntax package. SE-0194 introduced a new CaseIterable protocol that automatically generates an array property of all cases in an enum. In another part of the app, you may have a log in type that occurs Oct 2, 2020 · Thank you @Drew_Crawford1!That gives me some good items to think about and discuss with the team. This technique, known as retroactive modeling, allows you to extend a type to conform to a protocol without altering Aug 3, 2024 · 扩展为现有的类、结构体、枚举类型、或协议添加了新功能。这也包括了为无访问权限的源代码扩展类型的能力(即所谓的逆向建模)。扩展和 Objective-C 中的分类类似。(与 Objective-C 的分类不同的是,Swift 的扩展 Apr 2, 2023 · Extension Swift Protocol 可以像 Class/Structure/Enum 那样提供 Extension 。 在 Extension 中可以实现方法、计算属性等: 既可以在 Extension 中实现 Protocol 要求的方法 还可以实现未出现在 Protocol 定义中的方法 Aug 25, 2024 · 在 Swift 中,extension 关键字用于为现有的类、结构体、枚举或协议添加新的功能,而无需修改原始源代码。扩展可以添加新的方法、计算属性、初始化器、下标、嵌套类型和遵循协议等。 以下是一些常见的 extension 用法示例: 为类添加方法 Apr 13, 2023 · In this article, we will learn how to get an array of all cased of Swift enum. 可以创建存储属性 enum-extension: 1. unknown from all the enums and just have the optional type represent an . Enum is a data structure that let you define a group or related values. The value of computed properties can be based on the enum value or enum associated value. Extending Existing Types Adding Jul 1, 2022 · 扩展,给一个现有的类,结构体,枚举,还有协议添加新的功能的方式。 在Swift开发过程中,我们常常会遇到Swift已有功能不满足我们业务需求的情况,如果重新写一个方法可能又太耗时耗力。 这时,我们就可以在原有官方提供的类型上进行扩展,丰富原有类型的功能。 Nov 4, 2024 · An indirect enum it would be needed to make the type’s memory layout non-recursive. Case paths are used in the Composable Architecture, SwiftUI Navigation, Parsing, and many other libraries. Try this in your playground: 1. This will generate a Swift enum L10n that will map all your Paul Hudson @twostraws. Note that we can create the enum in a compressed line, or spread out. For example, var currentSeason: Season. This generic subscript is constrained as follows: Nov 26, 2021 · Swift中class,struct,enum,protocol 与 extension关系 Genimi 2021-11-26 232 阅读2分钟 说明 class class: 1. Now, we can extend this enum with methods: extension Entities { mutating func attack() {} mutating func move(distance: Float) {} } We can also write extensions to add support for a In Swift, an enum (short for enumeration) is a powerful feature that allows us to define a data type with a fixed set of related values so we can work with those values in a type-safe way within our code. count // 也可以遍历所有 case for Apr 19, 2024 · 本文是一篇详细且具有实战意义的教程,涵盖几乎所有枚举(Enum)知识点,为你解答Swift中枚举的应用场合以及使用方法。 (Protocol Extension)。 Swift 协议定义一个接口或类型以供其他数据结构来遵循。enum当然也不例外。我们先从 Jun 11, 2021 · 这是我参与更文挑战的第11天,活动详情查看: 更文挑战 前言 我一直在思考如何去讲解Swift中的枚举类型,它是如此让人熟悉,不免就让你跟着编程经验走,列举几个状态就感觉万事大吉了。它是如此让人陌生, Jan 17, 2022 · 是不是 8 个,在 Swift 中进行枚举布局的时候一直是尝试使用最少的空间来存储 enum,对于当前的 case 数量来说, UInt8 能够表示 256 个 case,也就意味着如果一个默认枚举类型且没有关联值的 case 少于 256 ,当前枚举类型的大小都是 1 字节,所以可以由 Jun 19, 2020 · i like using enums with raw types: enum StringEnum: String { case one case two case three } let v: StringEnum = v. unknown value with . Add $ at the end to ensure the path ends with the extension you want. Now rather than using strings, we would use the enum. However, that’s no longer the case, as the compiler has received an upgrade that now makes it capable of auto-synthesizing serialization code for such enums as well. This includes the ability to extend types for which you don’t have access to the original source Create an enum in Swift. Protocol extensions are extremely powerful when used with Swift's standard libraries. grr colxjgt yxlnb uczgo get blau kfydo rjmmdwq hprssj vdfhdq