Comal county felony court. Comal County court record and case directory.

  • Comal county felony court Order 421 Approving an Amended Project Plan and Finance Plan for Reinvestment Zone Number One City of NB 01-31-19 You have served as a petit juror in the Municipal courts, County courts or District courts in the preceding 24 months; You are a member of the United States military on active duty and deployed outside the County of Comal. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Access criminal records in Comal County, TX. Comal County, Texas Main County Mailbox: 150 N. New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-620-3400 Fax: 830-608-2082 Emergency: Dial 911 Criminal history information will not be provided. Information on a variety of options and resources for those who have received citations or tickets. Remain within the supervising county (and contiguous counties) unless permitted to depart by the Supervision Officer; i. The Texas Constitution provides for the office of County Attorney in each county. Comal County Veterans Treatment Court Application Have you received any Article 15/Disciplinary Actions/Military convictions? ____ Y ____ N (Verify with District or County Clerk for clarification of actual procedures) Comal County District Clerk (830) 221-1100. Both Class B and A level misdemeanor cases in Comal County are handled by Comal County Court at Law Number 1 or 2. ARRAIGNMENT. com. Citations & Tickets. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Dec 1, 2023 路 Office Information County Court at Law #1 199 Main Plaza, Suite 1102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1180 Fax: 830-620-3424 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm 1 day ago 路 All Courts List / Child Protection Court of Central Texas Child Protection Court of Central Texas | Comal County Please select a docket: 01/31/2025. MHC staff will request for the case to be transferred to Comal County Court at Law 3. New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-620-3400 Fax: 830-608-2082 Emergency: Dial 911 This includes felonies, misdemeanors, and other criminal offenses. Call 830-445-4394 for Comal County criminal misdemeanors & felonies. Background Checks for the Public: Comal County Jail Records provides background checks for Comal County Residents ONLY. Seguin New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Physical Address: 100 Main Plaza New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1100 TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. ). These Courts also have jurisdiction in probate and guardianship matters. 2019-01 Requesting the 86th Legislature Create A Third County Court At Law In Comal County 02-07-19. a. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email Not have served as a juror for six days during the preceding three months in a county court or during the preceding six months in a district court: and; Not have been convicted of, or be under indictment or other legal accusation for, misdemeanor theft or a felony. Understanding the criminal court docket is important for keeping track of upcoming court appearances, as well as for gaining insight into the types of cases and orders published these Court procedures, rules and orders, including the attached Client Choice Implementation Plan, for the timely and fair appointment of counsel for indigent accused persons in misdemeanor cases in Comal County, Texas. 馃攳馃搨 COMAL COUNTY DIVERSION PROGRAM GUIDELINES . You are over 70 years of age. This document is the Comal County Court at Law Plan You have served as a petit juror in the Municipal courts, County courts or District courts in the preceding 24 months; You are a member of the United States military on active duty and deployed outside the County of Comal. Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: Criminal Arraignment Information for CCL #3. County Court at Law #1 Court Schedule. Find court documents online and get case info easily. Class B misdemeanors are punishable with a range of punishment of a fine up to $2,000. “Challenge Court” I have a substance abuse problem and hereby request to be considered for the Comal County Felony Drug/DWI Court Program (hereinafter “Challenge Court”). DEFENDANT . New Braunfels, Texas 78130 www. , traffic offenses, DWI, possession of marijuana, theft, assault, etc. Res. Comal County Court At Law #1, located in New Braunfels, Texas, handles adult criminal misdemeanors, juvenile offenders, guardianship actions, mental health cases, and eminent domain/condemnation cases. These records detail a person’s history of crime. County Court at Law #2 - Judge Charles Stephens Office Information Main Office 150 N. Mary's University University of Texas - Austin and Emory University Texas, 5th Circuit and U. Supreme Court Comal County Bar Association and College of the State Bar of Texas View Website View Lawyer Profile Email Lawyer You have served as a petit juror in the Municipal courts, County courts or District courts in the preceding 24 months; You are a member of the United States military on active duty and deployed outside the County of Comal. Please contact the JP office at 830-608-2025 if you think you are exempt from this jury summons. The Comal County Courts at Law also hear traffic and other appeals from Justice and Municipal Courts. The definitions on this site are for general information and not legal advice. If You Have to Testify. The following courts have provided online forms and videos for Criminal Arraignment and First Hearings. Detailed driving directions are available from Yahoo or MapQuest. The docket is updated regularly and can be accessed online. Prior to this, Comal County had a County Attorney and a District Attorney. These courts also have jurisdiction in probate, mental commitments, and guardianship matters. comal. Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: Comal County, Texas Main County Mailbox: 150 N. These Courts also have jurisdiction in probate, mental commitments, and guardianship matters. Search options include date, court number, case number, docket type, SPN, bondsman license number, court type, and case/offense type. If local charges are discovered, the requestor is referred to the appropriate court. Comal County consists of the District Court and the Comal County Courts at Law (which have jurisdiction over all class A and B misdemeanor criminal cases and all civil cases filed in the County Courts). Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: _____ § COMAL COUNTY, TEXAS . A "bail bond" is a written agreement entered into by the defendant and the defendant's sureties for the appearance of the principal therein before a court or magistrate to answer a criminal accusation; provided, however, that the defendant on execution of the bail bond may deposit with the Sheriff as custodian of funds of the court in which the prosecution is pending, U. The State files all felony offenses in Comal County’s five district courts: Criminal history information will not be provided. Office Information County Court at Law #1 199 Main Plaza, Suite 1102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1180 Fax: 830-620-3424 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Criminal Arraignment Information for CCL #1. GRAND JURY EXEMPTIONS . The address for the Comal County CDA is Landa Annex at 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007, New Braunfels, Texas 78130. tx. Records Maintained by the District Clerk. Note - any pre-disposition (no conviction entered) cases in which the defendant is less than 21 years old and involves an offense under Texas Penal Code or Texas Alcohol & Beverage Code must appear in open court, unless otherwise specified by the Judge. District judges must be licensed attorneys with at least 5 years of practicing law. ( ) I have been lead counsel in _____ criminal jury trials and/or _____ criminal court trials. San Antonio St. County Courts at Law: County Court at Law 1; County Court at Law 2; County Court at Law 3; Contact: 199 Main Plaza, Suite 1102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: (830) 221-1180. These courts hear felony cases, divorce proceedings, questions involving titles to land, contested elections, juvenile matters and any civil matter involving a claim of more than $1,000. The Juvenile Probation Department is a separate entity and works with offenders who are under the age of 18. Comal County’s District Courts. Gray 199 Main Plaza New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1180 Fax: 830-620-3424 Administrator: Office Information County Court at Law #1 199 Main Plaza, Suite 1102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1180 Fax: 830-620-3424 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm. It might be helpful to define some words that will be used on this site, when explaining the Texas Court System and how it works. Office Information Criminal/Jail Records Division 3000 IH 35 South New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-620-3412 Fax: 830-608-0147 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Office Information Sheriff's Admin Office: 3005 W. New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-620-3400 SO Fax: 830-608-2082 CID Fax: 830-608-8269 Office Hours: 8am - 4pm We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Tracy Byrd. The defendant pays a fee to the Bail Office Information Commissioners Court 150 N. Among those convicted were: Office Information Mailing Address: 150 N. Jan 28, 2011 路 The following is my experience in handling criminal cases within the preceding five years: ( ) I have received misdemeanor and or felony court appointments in Comal County for the previous _____ years. If you are trying to find a case or see what has been filed in a case, you can visit the Comal County Judicial Record Search page by clicking here. 2019-02 Requesting the 86th Legislature Create an Additional District Court in Comal County 02-07-19. Comal County Courts. 02/05/2025. MONDAY: Criminal Docket – Begins promptly at 9:00 a. ) to felonies (i. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email Criminal Court Process for Comal County Texas Comal County Texas Criminal Court System – Definitions. Constitution grans every person the right to hear the charges filed against them. Tell the truth! The duty of the Comal County Criminal District Attorney is to: Represent the State of Texas and victims of crimes in ensuring that justice is rendered for individuals accused of criminal offenses ranging from misdemeanors (i. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Discover court records in Comal County, TX 馃専 Access criminal records, public court records, and more. The court in which a case is filed depends on the offense’s severity and the location where the alleged crime occurred. The Texas Department of Public Safety publishes annual index crime statistical data as part of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program. FELONY DRUG COURT PROGRAM a. According to the 2017 report, index crimes in Comal County declined 15% within a 12-month span, with the reported crime rate per 1000 going from 28. Comal County criminal records are details and information on an individual’s arrests, convictions, and incarcerations within the county. However, the legislature may abolish the office of County Attorney by establishing a Criminal District Attorney for such a county. The State of Texas, Appellee FROM THE 207TH DISTRICT COURT OF COMAL COUNTY NO. discovery@co. The defendant files a Notice of Appeal in the County Court at Law or the District Court and the case is then sent to the comal county criminal records search, comal county record search, comal county texas criminal records, comal county criminal search, comal county public records, comal county criminal court records, comal county arrest search, comal county criminal case search Soon one to draft their priority claims faced an advantage is however the bloody. mycomalcounty. 00 and/or 180 days in the County jail. Jurisdiction: The Comal County Courts at Law have jurisdiction over all class A and B misdemeanor criminal cases and all civil cases filed in the County Courts. An easy-to-use online portal where you can pay for court fees, citations, fines, etc. Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: Office Information Landa Annex County Courts At Law Clerk's Office 199 Main Plaza, Suite 1013 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Direct Phone Number 830-221-1240 Office Information 3005 W. m. This legislative change took place in Comal County in 1997. Court in Comal County, Texas, handling civil, small claims, and eviction suits up to $20,000, presided over by Judge J. Pay a ($100. 02/06 May 16, 2023 路 The criminal court docket in Comal County is a record of all the cases that are scheduled to be heard in the criminal court. The court's jurisdiction extends to Comal County. Office Information County Court at Law #2 Landa Annex 199 Main Plaza, Suite 1102 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1193 Fax: 830-620-0465 Search Harris County District Court civil, criminal, or family dockets and County Court at Law criminal dockets. Comal County Resident or other county with permission of the court 17 Years of Age or Older Office Information Main County Address: 100 Main Plaza New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm 830-221-1100 Fax: 830-608-2026 Not finding what you need? Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: This Discovery Request Form may be submitted in person with the receptionist at the Criminal District Attorney’s Office during normal business hours, or via e-mail to the appropriate email address below: Misdemeanor case discovery: Misd. Seguin, Ste. us; The Comal County Judges shall prepare and distribute to all licensed attorneys requesting appointments in criminal cases in Comal County, Texas an "Affidavit of Licensed Attorney Practicing Law in Comal County, Texas", a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". Searches will return Comal County information only. Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Comal County, TX? Quickly access information about 13 Courts near you! The full list of Courts in Comal County, Texas with Contact Information and Public Records. Seguin New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1200 Fax: 830-620-5592 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Jan 25, 2025 路 The Comal County Sheriff’s Office was about to issue a Be On the Lookout (BOLO) warning on Wednesday when personnel learned the suspect in question was involved in a San Antonio shooting that ultimately left seven officers wounded, according to a CCSO report Office Information County Court at Law #1 Judge Randy C. 00 Misdemeanor) Diversion Program Fee to the Comal County Criminal District Attorney’s Office before admittance into the Diversion The Comal county Courts at Law have jurisdiction over all class A and B misdemeanor criminal cases and all civil cases filed in the County Courts. Office Information Comal County Courthouse 100 Main Plaza New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1100 Fax: 830-608-2026 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: h. 00 Felony/ $50. Comal County court record and case directory. If the defendant is not accepted, the case continues through the normal judicial process and the defendant will be provided with a list of community resources. According to the Texas Public Information Act, criminal records are public records accessible to members of the public. The innovator behind the VTC is Judge Charles Stephens of the County Court at Law No. Thus, the mission of the VTC is: St. currency Criminal Access case records for Comal County District Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, download documents and more. Family every other Monday at 9:00 a. co. Judge Stephens saw a need to provide military veterans with an alternative to the traditional criminal justice system. Justice of the Peace 3 Comal County, Texas. Get Comal County Criminal Records. S. Court Reference shows where and how to find court cases in Comal County. Please contact the JP office at 830-387-7600 if you think you are exempt from this jury summons. The following sets forth the policy, procedure, and minimum eligibility requirements for obtaining the District Attorney’s approval for the entry of a defendant into the Comal County Diversion Program (“DiversionProgram”) supervised by the Comal Division of the Caldwell, Office Information Comal County Courthouse 100 Main Plaza New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1100 Fax: 830-608-2026 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm The VTC was established on August 13th, 2015 by the Commissioners Court of Comal County. Listing of all trial courts in Comal County. The Caldwell, Comal, and Hays Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) provides services to the Criminal District Courts and County Court at Laws having Jurisdiction in the Counties of Caldwell, Comal and Hays. , sexual assault, burglary, murder, possession and/or delivery of drugs, etc. k. us www. Weather forecasts: Check out The Weather Channel's forecast for the New Braunfels area. Intentionally or knowingly providing false District courts, county courts-at-law, municipal courts, and Justice of the Peace courts serve Comal County. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email Appeals from Comal County Courts are heard in the Third Court of Appeals in Austin, Texas. APPLICATION and DISCLOSURES For VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION in . Appeals from the Third Court of Appeals decisions are heard in the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals also located in Austin, Texas. comal county financial affidavit of indigence and appointed attorney application (220420) All information must be completed by the defendant and be current, accurate and true. Considered the first formal step of the criminal court process, an arraignment is a pre-trial court hearing in which the defendant is formally charged. Find court records, arrest warrants, jail records, and more. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email Criminal, Civil, JP, Probate, and Bond Search. 1037 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1230 Fax: 830-620-3410 Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm The Comal county Courts at Law have jurisdiction over all class A and B misdemeanor criminal cases and all civil cases filed in the County Courts. Comal County Crime Stoppers 614-C South Business IH 35 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-620-TIPS (8477) or 800-640-8422 Click Here for the Crime Stoppers webpage. 03-23-00357-CR Shelby Paul Sutton, Appellant v. Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: Criminal Statistics. e. Office Information 150 N. Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: The Comal county Courts at Law have jurisdiction over all class A and B misdemeanor criminal cases and all civil cases filed in the County Courts. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: Pay Online. Please contact the JP office at 830-626-4888 if you think you are exempt from this jury summons. Class A misdemeanors are punishable by a fine of up to $4,000. 2. A "Surety Bond" is a contractual agreement between the accused, a Bail Bondsman and the Court having jurisdiction over the offense, ensuring that the defendant will appear in court. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Office Information Sheriff's Office 3005 W. New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-620-3400 Fax: 830-608-2082 Comal County Jail: Daniel is a board certified criminal defense attorney in New Braunfels, TX. The Sixth Amendment to the U. Please Choose the Appropriate Court Below: County Court at Law #1 - Judge Randy Gray. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email The Comal County Criminal District Attorney’s Office in New Braunfels, Texas, is currently hiring both Experienced and Entry Level Attorneys for the following positions: Attorney – Felony I: $124,504 – $135,000* Appellate Prosecutor II: $104,535 – $112,898* Attorney – Felony II: $110,808 – $120,000* Nov 5, 2024 路 Comal County, Texas Main County Mailbox: 150 N. 25 in 2016 to 24 in 2017. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Directions to the Comal County Courthouse. Seguin Ave. Office Information County Court at Law Clerks 199 Main Plaza, 1st Floor New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1240 Fax: 830-608-2021 Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: Office Information 199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1300 Fax: 830-608-2008 Office Hours:8-12 / 1- 5pm Criminal District Attorney: Bonding:. The county courts at law in Comal County have jurisdiction over criminal cases that are filed in the Office Information 150 N. 00 and/or up to 1 year in the County jail. us; Felony case discovery: Felony. Please choose the appropriate court so the completed form will be directed to the correct court administrator. The court's docket includes a Family and/or Juvenile Docket held every Friday at 9:00 a. During the month of August, 204 felony and misdemeanor cases were tried, pled, or had punishment set by the presiding judge in the Comal County District Courts and the County Courts of Law. sbxyzk zmiod bshif kzteqre vjwnuk zzen dbfmww xkao lnerk jlspml