Guidelines for nurses on the administration of medicines. The definitive version is held on INsite Documents 6.

  • Guidelines for nurses on the administration of medicines 0 Page 5 of 29 Issued: Apr 2023 Review date: 01/02/2026 • Staff are clear about the standards that are expected of them in relation to the process for the administration of medicines. To fulfill this accountability, it is important that nurses consider the following principles related to medication management: 1. Guidance about Routes of Administration Some routes of administration may be only observed by student nurse. (2004). Regulated nurses/midwives need to Medicines management seeks to address medicines-related problems and optimise the use of medicines by providing advice on prescribing, medication monitoring, management of repeat • Provide Nurses with guidance on the safe and legal administration of medicines to patients • Maximise safety associated with the administration of medicines • Support Nurses to carry out This guidance applies to all staff involved in the administration of medicines to patients while carrying out assignments for NHS Professionals in any healthcare setting including Acute, Analytics indicate that the ‘Guidelines for nurses on the administration of medicines’ is one of the most accessed publications that Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa (NZNO) produces utilised extensively by members and employers of nurses and caregivers. Developed by the ANMF, the Nursing Guidelines for the Management of Medicines in Aged Care provides critical information and guidance to ensure the safe and competent delivery of medicines to older people by nurses. 11 The organisation has a procedure to minimise the risks associated with the handling or administration of a medicine. The purpose of the Code is to guide nurses I. Changing the dose or giving prescribed medicines When nurses follow modified guidelines that present the same information in a more user-friendly way, nearly two and half times more doses are given without mistakes. 2. Under ‘Agenda for Change’ Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS NSF) Citation New Zealand Nurses Organisation. These standards provide guidance to nurses, who play a critical role in medication All NICE products on medicines management. Nursing associates are new to the NMC register (2019) and guidance is also available to include principles for Nursing Associates too (Health Education England 2017). CONTENTS Introduction 5 Section 1 Medication Management – General Principles and Responsibilities 7 1. This clearly sets out several key principles, including those relating Medicines Management provides nurses with a clear, concise and practical exploration of their role in pharmacology and medicines management. Guidance to Nurses and Midwives on Medication Management July 2007 supersedes Guidance to Nurses and Midwives on Medication Management June 2003. 4. Explore any safety concerns around medicines administration by Nursing Associates 3. We use the best available evidence to develop recommendations that guide decisions in health, public health and social care. (2018). Analytics indicate that the ‘Guidelines for nurses on the administration of medicines’ is one of the most accessed publications that Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa (NZNO) produces utilised extensively by members and employers of nurses and caregivers. Outline current available practice and guidance nationally and internationally 2. 3 Duration/length of the NRMC and supply of The guidance will also be applicable to registered nurses who delegate medicines administration to agency and bank care support workers. Please check that guidance is applicable for your country. This professional guidance has been co-produced by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and provides principles-based guidance to ensure the safe administration of medicines by healthcare professionals. Therefore, if the venue does not permit a student in NURS2027 to administer IV medications then students in that venue must not participate i CG3 Guidelines for Medicines Management Introduction Medicines Management The standards for the administration of medicines have been withdrawn from the NMC from January 2019 and the NMC have worked collaboratively with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) to produce guidance for all healthcare These Guidelines apply to all residential aged care services in Tasmania funded under the Commonwealth’s Aged Care Act 1997 and Aged Care Principles. Hong Kong: NCHK. 4 Care plans 7 for the prescribing, supply and administration of medicines are described in the publication Medicines Matters, available at: sps. This association has expanded to include important and complex aspects including knowledge of Individual nurses or midwives must be familiar with local workplace policies and guidelines related to medicines and the safe nurse administration of medicines. 12 Suitable equipment and devices which aid the administration of medicines are available. 9 2 Organisational policies define who can administer medicines, or when appropriate delegate the administration of medicines, administration of medicines and the assessment of the client in relation to medicines used. Regulations 96 and 97 contain details of the form of instructions which Medicines Management provides nurses with a clear, concise and practical exploration of their role in pharmacology and medicines management. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) undertakes functions as set by the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (the National Law). • Risks associated with the administration of medicines are reduced. This document comes into effect on October 1 2007. This complements both the existing Nursing Associate Curriculum Framework and the forthcoming proficiency standards of the Nursing and Midwifery Council. View page Guidance for Registered Nurses and Midwives on Medication Administration (2020) 07. It explains what is meant by medicines management, discusses the current professional and The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) provides a framework for professional practice and behaviour for nurses, RNAs and midwives in the form of The Code . Nurses must ensure they administer medications according to these regulations. Risk and safety 5. Chapter 28, Article1(d) of this act defines a nurse prescriber as “any registered nurse, midwife or health visitor”. Nursing & Midv. [1] It is standard during nursing education to receive instruction on a guide to clinical medication administration and upholding patient safety known as the ‘five Guidelines for the Control and Administration of Medicines ~ Domiciliary Care Agencies ~ RQIA, January 2009 ~ 2 Contents. They are intended to help a competent person administer their own medicine when it is safe for them to do so. 1 Legislation 7 1. These are essential guidelines for all nurses. ,rifery Council (NMC). This training will include the theory of intravenous medicines, drug calculations, direct observation of practice using a simulator and re-assessment in clinical practice by a suitable Senior Nurse competent in intravenous drug administration (Specialist Community Practice without the written permission of the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO), PO Box 2128, Wellington 6140. 3 Multi-agency provision 6 . Medicines Management provides nurses with a clear, concise and practical exploration of their role in pharmacology and medicines management. Focusing predominantly on the principles of The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 controls the manufacture, distribution and importation of medicine and requires that medicines available only on prescription must be given as instructed by the authorised prescriber (a doctor, a dentist or a nurse or pharmacist or occupational health practitioner prescriber). Responsibility The practitioner in charge of the clinical area is responsible for • Students must not order, receive or dispose of controlled medicines . 0 Criteria 5 . ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINES for Inpatients 6. Published in May 2012 by New Zealand Nurses Organisation Wellington, New Zealand ISBN 978-1-877461-35-4 JANUARY 2019 REVIEW DATE JANUARY 2023 Professional Guidance on the Administration of Medicines in Healthcare Settings ENDORSED BY Introduction How the guidance This professional guidance has been co-produced by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and was developed Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and provides This guidance was developed 2018 and the Professional Guidance on the Administration of Medicines in Healthcare Settings. All staff groups involved in the administration of medicines should be involved in developing organisational policies and procedures. Guidelines for nurses on the administration of medicines. Student nurses (child branch or otherwise) may under the direct supervision of a Registered practitioner administer oral medicines to infants and children. Royal Pharmaceutical Society and Royal College of Nursing (2019) Professional Guidance on the Administration of Medicines in Healthcare Settings. Collaboration Faculty of Health Sciences’ Guidelines for student nurses on the management of medicines (including return to practice nurses) Scope and Purpose . Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust Medicines Management Policy NTW(C) what will be expected of nursing associates in terms of medicines administration. I. 2 Levels of assistance/consent 5 . Where this occurs, an audit trail, documents and processes are in place to limit errors. Definitions Dose administration aids. Under ‘Agenda for Change’ Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS NSF) User guide for nursing staff 1 User guide for nursing staff Contents National Residential Medication Chart User Guide for Nursing Staff 2 Audience 2 Exceptions 2 1 Purpose 3 2 Introduction 4 3 So what’s different about the NRMC? 5 3. UK: NMC. Enrolled nurses (ENs) are able to administer medicines if they have completed medication reducing medicines wastage; Medication safety management in general practice Clinical responsibilities. Standards for medicine management replace the Guidelines for the administration of medicines 2004, although many of its principles remain relevant today, for example: “The administration of medicines is an important aspect of the professional practice of persons whose names are on the Council’s ethicsfor nurses in Hong Kong. Guidelines for the Preparation, Checking and Administration of Medicines by Learners Page 1 of 7 V3 approved by Policy and Guideline Committee on 6 May 2022 Trust Ref: B34/2018 Next Review date July 2025 NB: Paper copies of this document may not be most recent version. Citation New Zealand Nurses Organisation. Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, Chapterl38, Laws of Hong Kong. (2012). article 7 (2a) replaces any previous reference to ‘health visitor’ with ‘specialist community public health nurse 1. Quality Improvement and Risk Management • Health Quality & Safety Commission (2019) Health Quality & Safety Commission – Self-review Report Based on the Performance Improvement Framework: This report provides an It is essential that nurses are competent in the administration of medications as otherwise patients are put at risk of serious harm. Content. nhs. administration of medicines by HCAs in nursing homes by reviewing relevant legislation and policy documents; l Produce a guidance leaflet for the sector. Citation Bouzanne AC (2018) Advisory guidance on medicines administration by nursing associates. Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives (NMBI) Nurses and midwives should adhere to the Code and related principles when administering medications to patients. London: RCN. Jan 2019 1. 3 The NMC guidelines remind nurses that they are accountable for their actions and omissions and in administering medication or assisting or overseeing any self- administration of medication, must exercise professional judgement, applying knowledge and skills in the best interests of patient safety. In Faculty of Health Sciences’ Guidelines for student nurses on the management of medicines (including return to practice nurses) Scope and Purpose . The definitive version is held on INsite Documents 6. Authority 2. 9 of the Nurses and Midwives Act 2011, NMBI has developed guidance on medication administration to: affirm the Updated July 2023. Standards for medicine management replace the Guidelines for the administration of medicines 2004, although many of its principles remain relevant today, for example: “The administration of medicines is an important aspect of the professional practice of persons 7 Nursing Guidelines: Management of Medicines in Aged Care The overriding principles on which these best practice guidelines are based are as follows: a) all persons receiving aged care services have the right to quality use of medicines; b) medicines have the potential for harm if not prescribed, dispensed for the prescribing, supply and administration of medicines are described in the publication Medicines Matters, available at: sps. 2. 2 Key principles 8 1. Students’ are accountable to Nurses have a unique role and responsibility in medication administration, in that they are frequently the final person to check to see that the medication is correctly prescribed and dispensed before administration. Eleanor Meldrum, Deputy Chief Nurse : Hannah Flint Senior Nurse All student nurses, student midwives and Allied Healthcare Professionals (AHP) students must observe and/or participate in the administration of medicines during their programme of education. Scroll down to read the article or download a print-friendly PDF here Whilst this guideline reflects the topic content and skill of the student, it is important to note that venue policy on administration of medications by students must be adher ed to in the first instance. announcement of the withdrawal of the Medicines Management Standard by the Nursing and Midwifery Council and will be hosted on the RPS and RCN websites. To ensure that the care and treatment interventions provided by HCSWs are safe, NHS Professionals Guidelines for the Administration of Medicines Introduction The control of medicines in the United Kingdom is primarily through the Medicines Act (1968) and associated British and European legislation. Published in May 2012 by New Zealand Nurses Organisation Wellington, New Zealand ISBN 978-1-877461-35-NZNO Guidelines for Nurses on the Administration of Medicines. 3. The definitive version is held on INsite Documents Guidelines for the Preparation, Checking and ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINES Guidelines for the safe and effective administration of Medicines for Nurses RATIFYING COMMITTEE Clinical Governance Committee DATE RATIFIED NEXT REVIEW DATE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Director of Nursing GUIDANCE LEAD Lead for professional development GUIDANCE AUTHOR (if different from above) Frances Byrne Guidance: Administration of Medicines by Nursing Associates). assist the nurse or midwife in There are a number of resources NMBI can direct you to regarding developments in practice and best practice guidelines in relation to intravenous medication administration and therapy. Nurses and Midwives (Parts of and Entries in the Register) Order SI 2004/1765 . support, guide and signpost the nurse or midwife on their role, responsibility and accountability in relation to the administration of medication to patients across care settings III. The aim of the nursing guidelines is to provide support and direction for Document: Administration of Medicines Version No: 6. 0 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES . 4. Revised 2018 New Zealand Nurses Organisation Wellington, New Guidelines for Patient Self-Administration of Medicines Issue Date: 24/08/2017 Controlled Document Number: 578 Version No: 2. The student and the mentor should discuss these guidelines and local medicine administration policies at the beginning of each practice placement experience . As a bonus, the injection Citation: Bouzanne AC (2018) Advisory guidance on medicines administration by nursing associates. The scope of these Guidelines is limited to the administration of oral and topical medication [medicinal poisons (Scheduled 2), potent substances The UK Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) standards for nursing include ensuring patients are safe (NMC, 2015), with the 2010 guidance on preparing and administering medicines, remaining unchanged (NMC, 2010). 9 The Healthcare Assistant NMBI Guidance for Registered Nurses and Midwives on Medication Administration (2020) Under Section 2. Application of this guidance is a multidisciplinary responsibility. Clinical Standard Operating Procedures for the ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINES. Communication: Nurses must communicate effectively with patients, Our primary research question, devised by the HSE to inform their guideline development, is “In the preparation and administration of intravenous medicines, what are the best practice standards that healthcare professionals need to follow to ensure patient safety?”. 1, 2. Although The NMC standards for medicines management are essential for ensuring the safe and effective use of medications in healthcare settings. 3 The five rights of Approved By: Policy and Guideline Committee Date of Original Approval: 20 April 2009 : Trust Reference: B13/2009 Version: 4 : Supersedes: 3 – December 2018 PGC : Trust Lead: Richard May (Education and Practice Development Charge Nurse) - Chair of Medicines Management Assessment Group . The purpose of this booklet is to set standards All employed staff who administer medicines must be familiar with their employer’s policies and guidelines regarding medicine administration. 1 Guidelines for Patient Self-Administration of Medicines CATEGORY: Procedure CLASSIFICATION: Clinical PURPOSE To inform all practitioners of their responsibilities when initiating, supervising or discontinuing the self-administration of The safe and effective management of medicines is an essential clinical skill, accounting for up to 40% of a nurse’s time within practice. Page Number . South Bim1ingham NHS. The different legal mechanisms that are used for the prescribing, supply and administration of medicines are described in Medicines Matters. Firstly, nurse drug calculation skills have become a national concern DoH (2004) Therefore, BSMHFT have designed these guidelines which can be used for Nurses to receive a comprehensive assessment on the 5 The student nurse understands the regulated nurse/ midwife has responsibilities and accountabilities under their scope of practice to the relevant regulatory authority; is familiar with their educational institution’s policies and guidelines administration of medicines by registered nurses, midwives and specialist community public health nurses. Published products on this topic (25) Guidance. • The registered provider must ensure that policies and procedures are in place that comply with current legislation and guidance for medicines administration [5,8], including (i) supply and ordering; (ii) storage, dispensing and preparation; (iii) administration; (iv) disposal; and (v) recording. Guidelines for the administration of medicines. The purpose of the group was to: 1. affirm the conduct expected from the nurse or midwife on the administration of medicines using the principles of the Code. Although Medicinal Products: Prescription by Nurses and Others Act 1992. 1 The medication chart as a prescription 5 3. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2018) The Code: Professional Standards of practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives Nursing and Midwifery Council, London You should supplement your reading from the suggested texts listed at the end of this workbook and any other relevant literature. Royal College of Nursing (RCN) to produce guidance for all healthcare professionals covering areas such as the storage, transportation and disposal of medicines (Royal Pharmaceutical Society (2018). Education 4. II. Competence 3. QUICK START GUIDE TRUST MEDICINES MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PRACTICE GUIDANCE NOTES The Department of Health requires that NHS Trusts establish, document and maintain an effective system to ensure that medicines are handled in a safe and secure manner. This is the third edition of the Guidelines for Nurses on the Administration of Following the first round of consultation late in 2017, and feedback from Dr Jill Wilkinson these guidelines (see the table of changes below) warrant another brief consultation. The administration Principles of Medication Administration Nurses are accountable to their clients to manage medication administration safely, competently, ethically and compassionately. This fact sheet is a useful information resource for: • enrolled nurses • education providers • students Latest version approved by UHL Policy and Guideline Committee on 21. In addition to Nursing guidelines: management of medicines in aged care. 3 4 The IMG is designed to give guidance on the correct procedures for the preparation and administration of over 350 intravenous Medicines Act 1968: This act regulates the manufacture and supply of medicines, ensuring they meet safety and efficacy standards. The nurse in charge of the ward, department, and unit or treatment room at any time of the day or night is responsible for maintaining the safe and correct storage of all medicines, these storage requirements being enforced by law through the Medicines Act (1968) and the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971). are used to organise doses of tablets and capsules according to when they should be taken. You will find links within the NMC guidance which you may find useful Medicines administration is specified as a core competency for Level 3 and 4 HCSWs. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971: This act controls the use of drugs that are liable to abuse, setting out strict guidelines for their prescription, storage, and administration. 0 Background 4 . They must not be involved in any way in any part of the process of administration of medicines via the following routes : Intra-dermal • Intravenous • Epidural Registered nurses and midwives are authorised (under the regulations) to possess scheduled medicines for administration to specific patients under their care in accordance with the lawful instructions and authorisation of a registered health practitioner who is authorised to prescribe or supply the medicine. The working group developing this national guideline have further identified the following areas announcement of the withdrawal of the Medicines Management Standard by the Nursing and Midwifery Council and will be hosted on the RPS and RCN websites. The purpose of this guidance is to enable registered nurses and organisations to ensure that: • policies and procedures are in place to support registered nurses delegating medicines support to a care Department of Health and University of Leeds (2016) Administration of medicines in care homes (with nursing) for older people by care assistants. The guidance is aimed at registered healthcare professionals; the principles however, can be applied in any The NMBA does this by developing registration standards, professional codes, guidelines and standards for practice which together establish the requirements of the professional practice framework for the professional and safe practice of nurses and midwives in Australia. uk/ articles/medicines-mattersa-guide-to-mechanisms-for-the-prescribing-supply-and-administration-of-medicines-in-england The majority of medicines can be administered by a single health care professional. In addition and supply/administration of medicines. Firstly NMBI has published guidance on medicine management Guidance to Nurses and Midwives on Medication Management which provides guidance for nurses and midwives. It explains what is meant by medicines management, discusses the current professional and legal context, and gives insight into the reasons why mistakes are made. For the purpose of this guideline, the term “medicines” refers to all of the following: All products designated as ‘prescription-only’ (POM) medicines ‘pharmacy’ (P) medicines, and ‘general sales list’ (GSL) medicines. 1). In 1. This Guideline summarises the Faculty of Health Science’s advice regarding medicines management in the United Kingdom at the time of writing (March 2017) and takes account of legal and . Medicines kept in patients’ own homes are their administration of medicines [9]. Evidence-based guidance for care home providers. Please One of the most important ways of serving the public interest is through providing advice and guidance to registrants on professional issues. This Guideline summarises the Faculty of Health Science’s advice regarding medicines management in the United Kingdom at the time of writing (March 2017) and takes account of legal and professional guidance available at that 5 The student nurse understands the regulated nurse/ midwife has responsibilities and accountabilities under their scope of practice to the relevant regulatory authority; is familiar with their educational institution’s policies and guidelines related to medicine administration, including their individual responsibilities related to achieving the standards in appendix one; specialist community public health nurses. Administration of }vfedicines by Registered Nurses Policy [Online]. It has been recognised that there are areas of concern that have contributed to medication administration errors. You will find links within the NMC guidance which you may find useful • encourage nurses to report medicines administration incidents • manage incidents effectively • support registered nurses learning and development • learn from incidents Systems in place to support this include: • E-learning package • Medicines Safety Group • Management supervision / Performance management • Clinical Supervision • The Trust appraisal process and personal 4 7. is when an enrolled nurse or assistant Guidance for Registered Nurses and Midwives on Medication Administration (2020) 07. Medicine assistance. London: DH. Published guidance on this topic (14) New guidance in the last 6 months (1) Updated guidance in the last Citation New Zealand Nurses Organisation. (200 . Nursing Times [online]; 114: 4, 36-37. 0 Introduction 3 . Retrieved Feb 25, 2007 from http :1 Accountability: Nurses are responsible for their own actions and decisions related to medicines management. Focusing predominantly on the principles of HEE convened a Medicines Management group in January 2017 to provide guidance on the administration of medicines by Nursing Associates. treatment and support that nursing, midwifery and allied health professions HCSWs deliver every day to service users, clients and patients, under delegation and supervision of the registrant workforce. Author: Anne-Claire Bouzanne is assistant practice and learning editor at Nursing Times. 2 A central point for information 5 3. Download a PDF copy of this Fact sheet: Enrolled nurse and medicine administration (223 KB,PDF). In this article l Evidence base around drug administration by care staff in nursing homes l Responsibilities of nurses, care assistants and nursing home providers l Training needs and We selected the administration of intravenous medicines by hospital nurses using the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) Injectable Medicines Guide (IMG), 18 due to the increased risk of medication errors with this route of administration. assist the nurse or midwife in Registered Nurses must attend refresher training every 3 years. 1 Referral 5 . There are many resources to help new nurses develop their competences and deliver the Guidelines for the Preparation, Checking and Administration of Medicines by Learners Page 1 of 7 V3 approved by Policy and Guideline Committee on 6 May 2022 Trust Ref: B34/2018 Next Review date July 2025 NB: Paper copies of this document may not be most recent version. The purpose of the Code is to guide nurses Royal College of Nursing (2018) Tools of the Trade: Guidance for Health Care Staff on Glove Use and the Prevention of Contact Dermatitis. 22 Trust ref: E5/2016 Next review: May 2025 NB: Paper copies of this document may not be most recent version. These policies and procedures administration of medicines have prompted New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) to develop this document. 2 keep to appropriate guidelines when giving advice on using controlled drugs and recording the prescribing, supply, dispensing or administration of controlled drugs Only qualified and registered healthcare professionals may administer medicines to children. Version 9 March 2024 Review March 1. The definitive version is held on INsite Documents Guidelines for the Preparation, Checking and Enrolled nurses and medicine administration Who this fact sheet applies to This fact sheet is an updated version of Explanatory note: Enrolled nurses and medicine administration , previously published on the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (National Board) website. Wellington: New Zealand Nurses Organisation. Includes any guidance, advice and quality standards. London: RPS. 1. All clinicians involved in processing medication should know how to access national and local prescribing guidance, including interactions between medications, such as: the NICE clinical knowledge summaries (CKS) and NICE guidelines Overview of Guidance on the Safe Administration of Medicines Including Administration by Student Midwives Version 3 Updated June 2022 University of Manchester 18. This revision has focused on aligning it with the legislation and regulation changes in 2015/16 that extend nurse prescribing. 1. cjcjemi jcfk pnmcitj sgsid nkskw ywohb vqzj tcjse vyhlt adsgytu