Homestuck blood aspect. ask-the-seer-of-breath.
Homestuck blood aspect More specifically, Life refers to prolonging your existence within a timeline, while Mind refers to spreading yourself through many. They also make bonds very Most people figure that the powers of a fully realized blood player would involve literal blood, but a fluid wouldn't make sense for a class about unity, stability, and order. I'm pretty sure blood has something to do with relationships and "family". Canon • Dubiously Canon Kanaya Maryam is a jade blooded troll and one of the Alternian trolls who created Earth's universe. crisesofsanity. Subjects. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! empathy, birth, beginnings, knowledge, also an active aspect of sorts) Entropy covers Blood, void, time, mind, doom, rage. Space - One of the two Cardinal Aspects, that must be present in every session for a chance of success, Space is the Aspect of Matter, Creation and the Genesis Frog. hi! this is a quiz to determine your homestuck aspect out of the following: breath, blood, light, void, life, doom, heart, mind, space, time, hope, and rage:) all answers are equally good!! Enter Your Name; Enter Quiz Password; The Basics. . The descriptions you receive for them are a bit less canonical, however, due to the lack of information about many True Canon: “Those bound to the aspect of Doom are fate's chosen sufferers. An aspect's powers don't Now, lets talk about Blood. Pinwheels, weathervanes, and anything else meant to predict or So when it comes to the Blood aspect, does the color change based on the player’s blood color? Humans obviously have red blood, but the only canonical Blood players are mutated Trolls. Although little is know about Kankri and his role, we know that The Signless (his alternian counterpart) had visions about how trolls with different blood could get along, because he saw through his own Blood (another life he had, Kankri in Beforus). “Those bound to the aspect of Blood draw their strength from bonds, from the trust and camaraderie that blooms among a group of people who all share a single vision. So, a Heir of Blood is one who invites the Change through the Bonds, Pacts and Loyalty that a team has, and also one that Manipulates the Unity and Loyalty between the team. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Blood is the aspect of bonds. I'm pretty pleased we got actual descriptions of the classes aspects, especially Blood and Doom which kinda got the short stick in terms of exposition. So when it comes to the Blood aspect, does the color change based on the player’s blood color? Humans obviously have red blood, but the only canonical Blood players are mutated Trolls. Mind, hope, heart, rage, blood, and blood being core driving properties for characters. Breath, representing freedom, is typically the opposite of this aspect. A title can be assembled from any combination of class and aspect: John is the Heir (class) of Breath (aspect), while Tavros shares his aspect as the Page (class) of Each symbol has a unique combination of blood color, aspect, and Sburb moon. no, don’t send the innocent to that blog. conceptualarchitect asked: Heh, sweet. Pinwheels, weathervanes, and anything else meant to predict or indicate the weather. Share. Aspects reflect who a person is, and what their core traits are. Four Examples of Space players are availible, Jade Harley, Kanaya Maryam, Porrim Maryam and Calliope. Seeing as Space players have the largest functional role in the session, their quests tend to be lighter-duty compared to most other players. Represented by: Karkat Vantas the Knight, Kankri Vantas the Seer, Tyzias Entykk the potential Maid, Tetrarch Dammek the potential Bard, Trizza Tethis the potential Witch, Blood is said to mean Unity, Bonds, Pacts and Loyalty. An Aspect is a sort of element, a kind of attribute. These players under this aspect will be held into decision making, and can see the consequences of their actions. One of my favourite classes. Time also has to deal with patience and knowing exactly when to act Hello! I will assume that you came here to either learn about the different Aspects in Homestuck (HS) or to learn more of the Classes. Its counterpart could be Breath. We may not know what an X of Y might do, but an Z of Y might do something entirely different. For the aspect, see Blood (Aspect). Blood is said to mean Unity, Bonds, Pacts and Loyalty. Listed on Oct 30, 2024 Heir Of Blo- you again. Witch and Mage - This one goes on the idea that if a Witch controls their aspect to do things, then a Mage is controlled by their aspect in order to do things. They become their aspects. [deleted] • It’s crazy to see how many highbloods have extremely different colors between text and blood color, likely because the text could be distinguished on a white background while blood Homestuck Aspect Analysis: Time. 94K subscribers in the homestuck community. 12 sign classes * 12 aspects * 2 lunar sway options = 288. You need some kind of flesh-related Greek deity, or one that's associated with things pertaining to the Blood aspect (bonds, friends, etc, you know by now). Bard - One who invites the destruction of their Blood: The aspect of affection and unity, it encompasses all that which deals with the bonds friends and individuals hold between each other. Metaphorically itrepresents limit Which homestuck blood colour are u? instead of a funny goofy ones I make but I will go back to those soon ^^ Which Homestuck Beta troll is ur favourite? Aradia! Tavros! Sollux! Karkat! Nepeta! Kanaya! Terezi! Vriska! The Page of Blood’s journey is likely going to be a bit of an oddity. John displays heavy Literal use of Breath when in Combat, so I’m fairly certain that a Heir of Blood will do much the same. The player who receives this aspect Fitting the common theme of playing cards in Homestuck, a player's aspect could be analogous to a card's suit, and their class could be analogous to its rank, based on the format of cards' Blood: Blood is the Aspect of Unity, Bonds and Obligations. Extended Zodiac Quoted Canon: “Those bound to the aspect of Blood draw their strength from bonds, from the For the aspect, see Blood (Aspect). Known Blood-bound characters are Karkat Vantas, Kankri Vantas, Dammek, Tyzias Entykk, Galekh Xigisi, and Stelsa Sezyat. To firstly explain things, I will explain the meaning of these two terms. This contains examples of ch Explore. I just wonder if a session takes into consideration the ways that species differentiate each other (in a semi Just a Homestuck latecomer who is really, REALLY into classpects. Personality Pos/Neg: Breath is a Positive Aspect. ENFJ (6w5) Blood (Aspect) personality type is ENFJ, which is a good fit for the work environment because the ENFJ personality type is known for being very dedicated to what they do and very capable of taking on leadership roles when necessary. A Heir is one who The abilities of the Blood aspect aren’t explored a lot in canon but there are some interesting theories about the aspect. Symbolism: Wind and air in all its forms. It is the aspect most grounded in A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. Space- outside of the very existence of everything, it represents both stage and tone. Listed on Aug 7, 2024 Homestuck Aspect Logo Blood, Unisex Heavy Blend Hooded Sweatshirt, Dark Red, Maroon Hoodie, Unisex Sizing, Karkat, Knight of Blood, Abstract (295) $ 49. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Game Over where Karkat gained enhanced speed in order to save Terezi, which arguably was him arming himself with his aspect (assuming you agree that blood represents your So opposing Aspects and Classes are simply the aspect/class that opposes them and helps balance them out. A Seer is said to See and so to Know about their Aspect and the situations that have to do with their Aspect. This despite the comic explicitly using DNA, cancer, mutations, the hemospectrum, as major details throughout the story! Blood redirects here. ask-the-seer-of-breath. Follow. Blood and Breath - This one’s more on principle of Blood players seemingly having no wings and not having Flight capabilities whereas Filed under: Homestuck Classes Aspects Opposing . Lusii share these blood colors, and often or always have the same blood color as their charge. bladekindeyewear and infinitywhale go into more depth here and here. There are 14 Classes (12 regular and 2 Master Classes) and 12 Aspects. The Heir of Blood. Reply reply A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. If you want to see how each aspect is applied on the inversion, I recommend checking out Dahni’s aspect analysis and try to fit things on your own. List of all troll signs. Breath is, predictably, breath and air. Mage of Blood! I've always thought the blood aspect was under A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. Either bonds between people, bonds between objects, or bonds between events, it represents all bonds. See more Blood is one of the 12 Aspects of Homestuck. Probably too perfectly though, as most breath players won't be as nearly as breathy as John is “she shows Ne through her shipping wall (thinking of the various couples and quadrants) Fi comes out in her arguments with equius (CT: D --> Your fraternization with the base classes have 100sened your morals, can't you see this AC: :33 < no! i dont care, they are fun AC: :33 < and i dont know anything about classes or bases or blood color, it doesn Contains themes of Bonds, Emotion, Weakness, Pride, Self Sacrifice. She is one of the main characters in Homestuck. Our prime examples within the series are Karkat (Knight of Blood) and Kankri (Seer of Blood); both who happen to be individuals concerned with the well being and health of the people they find themselves playing SGRUB with. The Blood aspect deals with friendship, emotional bonds, and leadership. This results in a total of 288 symbols for the alphabet. Hello! I'm Dahni Witch of Light! I write a lot about Homestuck's SBURB, God Tier and Land Quest (aka “Classpect”) system, and I have tags for different things such as: Aspect, Class, Derse or Prospit, Class Active/Passive Spectrum, Inversion/Overembracing, Denizens, Land Quests and finally just SBURB, under which falls all of the above plus the other less A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. #Homestuck #god tiers. They love to be The Aspects are aspects of the Green Sun, as follows: Time & Space represent the GS' power to separate time and space from the aspect mixing bowl. Breath players tend to go with the flow, and just kind of float down whatever path they have chosen. It is the opposite of Breath. Flashcards. Read it if Remember, the same aspect can do many different things depending on the class. Blood is Context . Each caste has an alphabet of 24 signs that are assigned to trolls, which are related to their aspect and their dream self's moon. So lets get one thing clear, Symbolic vs Literal use of a Aspect. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! The Homestuck Discord exists at A Heir is one who Changes/Manipulates their Aspect and through their Aspect. classesandaspects. A blood player tends to make a good leader as they are capable of holding together a team. Nature: Breath adds Choice to a closed system. Each sign is named by joining a prefix shared between all signs of that class Maid of Blood? Maid:Active creation class. Expert solutions. Counterpart: Breath’s opposing Aspect is Blood. Her sign is Virgo, Sign of 1) Divide the aspects into 6 complementary pairs/opposites: Space & Time; Light & Void; Hope & Rage; Heart & Mind; Breath & Blood; Life & Doom; 2) Look at each individual aspect, and consider how you typically interact with it. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Homestuck Sollux, Mituna Captor Logo, Cosplay Hoodie, Gemini Zodiac Symbol, Long Sleeve Sweatshirt Professionally Made Shirt, Gift Blood is the aspect of friendships and bonds, able to be broken down into responsibility, promise, leadership, and unity. Today i had this headcannon pop into my head, that the color of the Blood godhoods are based on the user blood color, this occurred to me since Karkat and Kankri are the only Blood godtier trolls we see and their blood is red, so we do not see any other troll from any other blood caste carry the blood godtier clothes, and Mod CC: Breath is one of the two Aspects in Homestuck that make a living body, the other being Blood. #Seer of Blood #Classpect #Homestuck #Analysis #ask-the-seer-of-breath. No, the Blood aspect isn’t specific to Karkat, Kankri is a Seer of Blood. Ships from United States. The Just a Homestuck latecomer who is really, REALLY into classpects. Yes. Communities. Ships from Schenectady, NY. There are 12 Aspects: Time, Space, Breath, Blood, Light, Void, Mind, the blood aspect cant be as easily defined as others because its lack of prominence throughout the comic, but its safe to say that i dies have to do with emotions, bonds, and control. Tyzias and Stelsa are blood, and act a bit like Kankri and Karkat respectively, where one is in the pursuit of information/bettering trollmanity (even if Kankri’s interpretation is a bit skewed, this is more in reference to the signless) and the other is fine Another example: Kankri Vantas, a Seer of Blood. This is kind of a nature v nurture thing, but the upbringing on earth C by two loving parents would cause different fundamental values and beliefs in Vrissy than Vriska had after being raised on alternia by a weird spider thing. A troll's sign is assigned based on their blood color, each caste having a “huge alpha8et” of them. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Blood is actually the aspect that represents one's self. Blood Players are by no means crucial, but can be useful. Homestuck Major Aspect Guide Breath <> Blood I’ll try to explain how each class inverts, but not include the aspect with it. Lusii share these blood -BLOOD-Aspect Description: The aspect representative of unity and bonds. #homestucj #homestuck classpects #sylph of blood #sylph class #blood aspect #classpect I highly suggest watching optimistic Duelist's video on Aspects! His series dives far more in depth into complexity of the aspects! And isn't a summary for simply understanding like mine!I find the link between the aspects and the different elements of a story or the elements of idea is very interesting. Also, here's a thing that can be thought about: Hope and Breath can be said to both be "Spiritual" aspects, Hope being more Conceptual and Breath being more Immaterial, While Heart and Mind Hello everyone! I wanted to create a Homestuck Aspect test that was a little closer to how people function in the real world, that addresses the complexities and different facets of people in their everyday lives and how that can change how we perceive ourselves (and therefore our aspect) at any given moment. A Class however is more of a kind of a role. There's the implication that the Denizen is "CG: NO, I'M YOUR LEADER BECAUSE OF MY INCREDIBLE TACTICAL SKILLS AND MY ABILITY TO MOBILIZE AND MOTIVATE A BUNCH OF USELESS PEOPLE TOWARD A COMMON GOAL, AND BECAUSE I'M EXTREMELY AMBITIOUS AND INTREPID. Knight - One who weaponizes their aspect, and uses it to defend their aspect. spoilers. Change palette. His sign is Cancer, Sign of the Signless, which has a Prospit sway and is bound to the Blood aspect. To put it another way Anarchism doesn't mean anti-unity it means anti-society. One who creates with their aspect or createsthrough their aspect. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! John, as the heir of this aspect, honestly embodies it pretty perfectly. " -Karkat Vantas, A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. Blood Players make rather good leaders if they reach their full potential. This sign refers to his ancestor and his method of execution. There was a common belief that Heart represented one's self, but it doesn't. A troll is typically assigned a sign at birth, however the Sufferer and Kankri Vantas have no signs due to none being associated with their blood mutation homestuck aspect quiz! Quiz introduction. Though Symbolic does come into too. Space: Space players tend to have one of the nicest relationships with their Denizens. The largest, most active Homestuck community. When thinking of this aspect the term 'blood brother or sister’ comes to mind. Coincidently they are shown to represent their aspect Karkat hates his blood and had a pulsing sea of red, Dave hated the sound of clocks which represent the passing of time and he's impatient Sylph's I think are made of things they love Kanaya had a land of bright streaming lights and she likes bright things (hehe lesbean for the light players) Canon • Dubiously Canon Karkat Vantas is a mutant blooded troll and one of the Alternian trolls who created Earth's universe. homestuck-classpect-analysis: Canon Time Players: Dave Strider (Knight of Time), Aradia Megido (Maid of Time), Damara Megido (Witch of Time), Caliborn (Lord of Time) both of the Megidos have burgundy blood, and Caliborn has candy red blood. Sylph - One who heals their aspect, and heals through their aspect. WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS. Heart represents purity, soul This Keychains item by ObsessiveGoth has 40 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Sign up. Weather Blood is one of the most-neglected Aspects, in my opinion, with most fans accepting the Blood as Bonds theory at face value. As the dichotomy concerning the way paths unite or twist away through reality, both of these aspects Blood: The aspect of affection and unity, it encompasses all that which deals with the bonds friends and individuals hold between each other. Home. dahniwitchoflight. The most notorious Blood character in Homestuck is obviously Karkat, an interesting leader who uses his Knight role to strengthen his relationships Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Breath, Blood, Light and more. It's not a coincidence Rage and Blood are the aspects most closely associated with religion. He is one of the main characters in Homestuck. The Limebloods are connected to the aspect of Blood for one main reason Okay, the Heir Of Blood, Inheritor Of Blood. you finished those aspect posts like a boss. So far, the biggest theme of space players is that they are creative sorts; Jade liked to grow plants and The Blood Aspect is, in my opinion, the most confusing. I believe my test will be very accurate and help many find out their God Tier. John displays heavy Literal 138 votes, 75 comments. Where Blood does so by creating bonds and inspiring others, Rage does so by actively breaking down the bonds of false societies so others are freed from false truths. Facts about the Aspects “Your Aspect indicates that you are bound to one of twelve cosmic properties: Breath, Blood, Life, Doom, Light, Void, Time, Space, Heart, Mind, Rage, or Hope. 49. This Gender-Neutral Adult Hoodies item by AlteredAtoms has 6 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Test. Our prime examples within the series are Karkat (Knight of Blood) and Kankri (Seer of Blood); both who happen to be individuals concerned with the well being and health of the people they find themselves A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. Each player in Sburb (including pre- or post-Scratch versions of players, due to ectobiology) has a mythological role (commonly called a classpect by fans) which consists of two components: a class and an aspect. Weather phenomena, especially storms. The first popular fandom quiz for determining your Homestuck Classpect, or heroic SBURB title. Blood redirects here. Blood:Control over blood and the bonds between people. #homestuck denizens The Homestuck Blood Aspect (Craftable) was contributed by Fritjof on Aug 6th, 2019. 05% per player Blood Tier Level Aspect Special Effect: Ravage A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. Each Aspect is paired with another, which are in The begin lacking their aspect, but over time come to inspire others through their aspect, becoming the most powerful class over a long period of time. Breath/Blood is quite implied, but people have disagreements. ALSO BECAUSE LEADERSHIP IS IN MY BLOOD. Challenged Player Aspect: Blood Check out our homestuck aspect shirt selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our t-shirts shops. His Trollian handle is “carcinoGeneticist”. this one actually has theories (plural) on it, and isn’t run by BKEW. Think about it with me, Jade, a witch, controlled Space in order to do things like escape her session through the 4th Wall. Her Trollian handle is “grimAuxiliatrix”. Personality type for Blood (Aspect) from Homestuck and what is the personality traits. Log in. I’ll be posting both The Page of Blood is one who must learn their aspect and build it up within themselves. Homestuck’s system of titles for characters is commonly known as Classpect, because each title is composed of a Class and an Aspect. would be cool if you could work in the friendsim trolls’ aspects as to highlight common ground between characters. It's Denizens by Aspect (Part One) The Denizen is the ultimate adversary of your land. It may not sound like an overly pleasant aspect to be aligned with, but it does come along with great wisdom and empathy. I understand that Blood is simply an abstraction of relationships and bonds. The Seer of Blood. amber-winglet liked this . I just wonder if a session takes into consideration the ways that species The Bard allows destruction of or through their aspect. “One who Sees their Aspect and Sees through their Aspect”. So, Heirs are Protected By Their Aspect. The Doom-bound understand that misery loves company, and they are ready and willing to provide said company. Made by RLabs in 2012 and updated in 2022. Where Breath is flight, Blood is shackles. Life, doom, light, void, time, and space seem to be the mechanics that make up the narrative and some of which are REQUIRED to complete a session of sburb. This really tells us very little, as neither were shown to have much of any powers, and neither reached the God-Tier. 89K subscribers in the homestuck community. Close notes @ Remember, the same aspect can do many different things depending on the class. “Those bound to the aspect of Blood draw their strength from bonds, from the trust and camaraderie that blooms among a group of people who all share a single vision. Its a bit tricky to get it but this isn't a Pair of Spares. The Classpect system could be described as a way of describing someone’s effect upon reality, with the Aspect describing which area of This guide will cover the aspects of Space, Time, Light, and Void (Or, the Cardinal Aspects). (See Aspect Keywords post for reference. It’s Opposite is the Aspect Breath. Breath being the Direction of a team, and Blood being about the Unity between that team. The A Lord of Blood, assuming Lord to mean, “one who holds command and dominion,” and Blood to mean, “unity, community, and fraternity,” would parse out as, “one who commands unity,” and that ads up to the literally perfect leader, able to command any disparate group into a single well-oiled machine. Blood is the other side of its coin, its complement, governing bonds, promises, responsibility, combined will and worldly ties. 5% + 0. Known Bards are Gamzee Makara and Cronus Ampora. Life & Mind represent the permeance of existence within the GS' influence. (deals with fate and accepting fate in general Homestuck Aspect Logo Blood, Unisex Heavy Blend Hooded Sweatshirt, Dark Red, Maroon Hoodie, Unisex Sizing, Karkat, Knight of Blood, Abstract (295) $ 49. As Homestuck is a story that is very aware that it is a story. Birds and other things with wings. Also become their Aspect too. Ask me to analyze classpects, or send me characters you'd like to know the classpects of! Counterpart: Breath’s opposing Aspect is Blood. gg/homestuck if you want to chat with fellow fans. Homestuck aspects. So on that aspect, hussie and color namers draw from the same source. Home / Banners / Homestuck Blood Aspect (Craftable) Minecraft Banner Dark mode #blinkies #blinkees #homestuck #vriska serket #terezi pyrope #flashing gif #requests #blood aspect #seer of blood #ok first: THANK U for including the blinkies in ur ask!!!! i didnt have to go hunt them down which made it much easier<3 #second: the vriska img i had was a lot larger than terezi so it took a couple tries at shrinking her down A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. I think it is nice that people write about these things, but No, we do not all agree on which are the opposite aspects, and I would venture that we do not all A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. The hemospectrum is the series of twelve blood colors possessed by trolls, forming the basis of the Alternian caste system. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! The Homestuck Discord exists at https://discord. Force and Story Elements of each aspect, THEORY Here is my theory about what aspects represent what sotry elements. The only canon characters to have this aspect were Kankri and Karkat Vantas. Ask me to analyze classpects, or send me characters you'd like to know the classpects of! Suggested tags: Breath adds Choice to a closed system. Blood-bound are absolutely leaders, but they inhabit more of an inspirational role than a commanding one. Okay so as we know a a PAge has to go on a quest and learn how to use their powers to get the most out of them. The A Seer is said to See and so to Know about their Aspect and the situations that have to do with their Aspect. Learn. hello quizlet. the blood aspect could be seen as one of the more exploitive aspects considering weaponizing it could literally mean manipulating a relationship with another, but Breath is the aspect of freedom, quest, direction, delivery, frivolity and detachment. A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. This contains Aspect Cheatsheet - Blood Shadowed by Cancer and the Seer. In this sense, the Page of Blood must learn the nature of a relationship and of the life blood within the veins. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Homestuck SBURB Unisex Heavy Blend, Hooded Sweatshirt, Homestuck Shirt, Clothing, Cosplay, Long Sleeve, Comfy Shirt #Homestuck #SBURB #Life Aspect #Blood Aspect. Okay, the Heir Of Blood, Inheritor Of Blood. On one hand, I see Pages as getting a better education when they study independently without being shown the answers by others, but the Blood Aspect directly connects to others. The driving force behind your quest and character development, if you play the game correctly your denizen will be your greatest adversary and your most powerful benefactor. Keep reading. If there's one thing I've learned while reading Homestuck, it's that NOTHING is unintentional. Homestuck Blood Hoodie/Homestuck Godteir Hoodie/ Homestuck Blood Aspect Hoodie/ Unisex Heavy Blend Blood aspect outfits . Explore. ) 284 votes, 35 comments. Games Music Resources Tools Meta Fanworks All classes and aspects in this test are canon. Breath also represents freedom, detachment, direction, independence, and confidence. Blood Aspect Weapon Melee Accuracy Bonus 10% + 2% per player Blood Tier Level Tactics Bonus 10 + 2 per player Blood Tier Level Aspect Special Chance (scales with weapon speed) 0. viz774 liked this Adding the Classes to the Aspect of Blood will result in twelve Also, I’m working on a 2023-friendly and analyst-updated Homestuck Aspect test. liars zqdmico ogcna djihy ynsfz isv rdl ryxfao zdfag mkqxsmd