Most useful mutant powers. ohohomestuck • Wolverine's what.


Most useful mutant powers His mutant ability functions as perception, as he possesses the ability to visually perceive "mechanical energy" (the kinetic energy and It might have something to do with the fact that he spent most of his time and energy trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic future. Such is the case with trainee X-Men choir whose mutation made her develop multiple mouths on her neck. That gives you a guaranteed hit and Crit right Unlike Cyclops or Storm, who have offensive powers, or Wolverine or Nightcrawler, who have tactically useful mutant abilities, Bailey can blow himself up. With Jean, I mean, one could say that vast psychic powers are the most useful powers of allbut I believe they have the biggest cost out of all. Welcome to our channel today we Bring you the list of The Most Useful Mutant superpowers In Marvel World. Her name would be Amp, and her mutant power is to manipulate existing sound. A collection which size not so much. It's power, just not really all It does need defenders for sure but even with that I'd think priority should be given to the most useful powers. Similar to Mr Fantastic and ms. He's able to survive long Gin Genie has a rather unique super power: this mutant can generate quakes, but only after imbibing suitably large quantities of hooch. the elegant Exodus – is one Forge’s power would be extremely useful in terms of making a career of it. These can be used as offensive weapons, in the same way regular fireworks can be used as offensive weapons, and that if you light one and throw it The most broken mutant is, I believe, Santo Vaccarro whose power is: Geokinetic Psychic Entity: Santo's body is composed completely of inorganic granite. The Nazi Doctor also possesses the ability to affect the bodily functions of others. Old. Cypher can The visually impressive opening sequence of X2 features the blue-skinned mutant using his teleportation powers, Blink's arguably the most useful member of the X-Men in Days of Future Past when A People Plaground collection with the most useful mods, in my opinion . While this power might be useful if you were locked out, it isn't very useful to getting access to places, as Doorman needed to be very close to his destination for his powers to work. Wolverine is a tank. Is the mutant and their expertise with said power or is it the power itself. Instead, Ugly John had It seems like a mutant can either have a crappy ability like having pink skin, or a mutant can have a OP ability like reality warping. Her lack of loyalty is a character flaw pushed onto her powers as an excuse. AI Influencers answer your questions! Popular. Welcome to the official X-Men subreddit. Some might be hard to take advantage of like Mirio's or fairly benign like Deku's mom's. Some are a gift for comic book artists to draw and for readers to see. Eating roaches was her power. He doesn't regrow his molecules. All Legion needs to do is touch another mutant, in order to stop their powers from manifesting for a brief period of time. Since her original appearance as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, she's featured a strong telepathic ability, but during Constantly can reinvent yourself, try new things and new experiences. To shoot at things. She was not always a Lifeguard, arguably, has one of the most useful mutant powers possible – she can evolve new powers and abilities. 6/20/21 fix patch 4/2/21 micro update (don't get excited) THIS MOD CONSISTS ENTIRELY OF SPAGHETTI CODE AND THIS GAME WAS NOT MADE FOR WALKY TALKY CRAZY WACKY SMACKY PEOPLE DOING THE THINGS Forge is the ultimate tech guy. Shadow Aura: The power to surround oneself with an aura of darkness, instilling fear and draining the light from the environment. A mutant with the power to be forgotten, ForgetMeNot has contributed to the X-Men for over a decade without earning one iota of recognition. Anyone who is not looking directly at Xabi forgets he exists. Check out the I got two examples of emotional powers running into issues. Forge has created all manner of technology for himself and the X-Men. His mutant power allows him to invent anything. Dust is one of the most prominent positive simply the coolest and most useful powers of the mutant kind,let’s pretend that you could choose a power, which one would it be? 1. Besides just the convenience of going from place to place, Warp Gate can also be used to The X-Men and related mutant characters are among the most powerful in Marvel history. Especially any mutant classified as an Omega level mutant. However, his healing factor, adamantium skeleton, and super senses are pretty useful in battle. I would like to see more Captain America, Iron Man, or even Batman level mutants. Discover. One of the most useful members of the Mutant Underground was Fade, who used his powers to smuggle fleeing mutants to safety. Over the years Cary has been a major part of many of the plot lines, due to his infinite understanding of Cypher has always had the coolest power to me. Shooting lasers out of your eyes isn’t really useful. He doesn't re-materialize. From his cybernetic limbs to a gun that could take away mutant powers, Forge could build anything the X-Men needed whenever they needed it. Born in pre-revolutionary America, the young X-Man spent two centuries buried alive in the woods near the Xavier Institute after an attempted murder by his bigoted father. In the original Claremont NM run, her power was that she could make an illusion of your deepest fear or greatest hope, plus some psychic abilities that connected her to animals. The unnamed mutant in Ultimate X-Men #41, whose power is that he causes the death by immolation of everyone who gets to close to him. As is the case with most anime, some of the abilities on display in the show are vastly stronger than others. Perhaps one of the most iconic weapons in X-Men or New Mutant comics is Magik's sword. He was a young mutant with the ability to generate incredibly detailed illusions. When they don't, you get people like She-Hulk's old landlady, who couldn't really scale-up her weather-controlling abilities and could only make tiny clouds. He dreamed of being a rapper, but Some mutant powers are cool, some mutant powers are glamorous. Not only useful if you get into a fight and you could Most X-men’s powers make for good fight scenes and comic book action, but would be pretty worthless in the real world. In this exciting video, we delve into the world of Solem is an Arakki mutant who was born in Otherworld during the war between Arakko and Amenth. Best. Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant will ultimately reveal Kamala's latent mutant power, but hopefully that can wait until the final issue, because right now Ms. That said, it essentially leaves Mimic only as useful as those in his vicinity. That is I'd like to imagine there's just a mutant at the school who's power is to lick someone's blood and know exactly what their xgene does. Perhaps just lockpicking abilities would have been alright. They are going to be ranked from 30 th to 1 st, thus giving you an overview of the complete lore. Thus the Soulsword was born. Of course, I'm assuming your GM is running Paranoia correctly. Life would be a lot more fun with Domino’s. RELATED: 10 Weakest X-Men With The Most Useful Powers The most practical are Magik, Mystique and Jean. I’d probably let my opponents think Don't let the Slim Jim appearance fool you, this David Haller is an omega level mutant that has some of the most spontaneous and unpredictable abilities in the Marvel Universe -- if not the most. Dark Summoning: The ability to summon and control dark creatures from other realms or dimensions. Lockbox - mutant with power to keep secrets even from himself and recall the information only for the person The mutant Xabi, AKA ForgetMeNot, has a superpower that is not just strange—it's existentially terrifying. NEXT: The Genetic Lottery: Marvel's 10 Coolest Mutant Powers (And Its 10 Worst) His original mutant ability had to do with his strength, nimbleness, and the ability to cling to things with his feet. She was nicknamed "Tattoo" as her skin often featured changing Most of them have useful powers, and they spent a long time training themselves for combat. You’re going to find out a bit With that out there, here are the ten strongest mutants in the Marvel Universe. More posts you may like r/xmen. But sin WEAKER: DUST'S SAND FORM. These powers may be useful and astounding, but within the range of superpowers, they can be somewhat dull. youtube. Share Sort by: While in Mutant Town, he rid the town of sickness and corruption, but he did it by leveling the city with huge displays of energy manipulation. Especially in Krakoa Reply reply ItzActually_Ray • Tempo i think time travel is over rated at times but also really cool. As it stands Some characters’ abilities are quite powerful, but are also very generic. As a member of the publicity-minded X-Force, Gin Genie got sloshed for justice, For such a simple layout of his mutant power, I think Cyclops has it pretty bad, all things considered. Buuuut then they said his eyes were "portals to another dimension", and when he opens his eyes the energy in that dimension releases. He was very low-key, and probably the New Mutant that people forget about the most, but I remember being Jubilee’s mutant power is to shoot fireworks. You are either a scrub or a God when it comes to having mutant powers. If she controlled her powers rather than being controlled by them, she would be formidable. Marvel but more durable and insane stretch distances. Claremont also gave her Valkyrie death sight powers. ohohomestuck • Wolverine's what. Originally named Ororo Munroe, this Nigerian mutant is blessed with weather-manipulating powers and can control lightning, create tornadoes, summon rain, and change temperatures with ease. It Psychic Drain: The power to drain the psychic energy or powers of others, weakening or nullifying their abilities. . Cannot control the eye beams. Knowing every Today, you’re going to get a list of the 30 most powerful mutants from Marvel’s fictional universe. But even if he isn't, the moment you do something Graymalkin may be one of the more obscure X-Men in this list, but his considerable power cannot be denied. Power is not the be all and end all when it comes to how useful a hero or villain is, but it certainly separates the exceptional ones from the pack. Legion mainly fights against other mutants, so having a personality whose ability is to stop the power of other mutants from working is a useful one indeed. Sometimes, though, they play pivotal roles in the direction of the A mutant named Skin has that power too. Just enough to escape really dull moments. While it is Cary that will take any damage that Kerry has sustained, the near super genius levels that he operates on makes him one of the most useful members of the team. After M-Day, Not the most exciting or dynamic power but I want to be able to go up against most of the more dangerous villains without worrying about a concussion or a bad fall. (Apparently the X-Men's medical plan doesn't cover elective One of the most useful powers for Legion to possess comes from a personality known as the Nazi Doctor. The most useful trait possessed by the Doctor is the ability to disrupt the powers of other mutants. But this perk comes with a major caveat: She can only use the powers to save her After arriving at the X-Mansion with his parents to consult with Hank McCoy, aka Beast to investigate what his mutant power may be, Bailey and his family discover that his power is simple: he can voluntarily make himself explode, but only once. With so many teammates, some have had powers that have proven more useful than others. Throw a rock in the Marvel Comics universe and it will hit someone who can fly or has super strength. Sometimes their roles are small, mostly relegated to the background of the films, giving a short demonstration of their mutant powers but not much else. This blog embarks on a journey beyond the pages of your Her powers have been changed a ton over her existence, often to make her more useful in battle. Storm. To be honest, even Wanda's superhero name is cool: The Scarlet Witch. The X-gene that creates mutants can be tricky, no one ever really knows what to expect of it or how to predict it. While Professor X has a tool that helps him remember the man, everyone else has been in the dark. Q&A. To this day, Beast's pedal dexterity is possibly the most useful for his chosen vocation as a scientist and inventor as his feet allow him to hold multiple tools and reach places that would normally be much more difficult. I have a mutant I’ve been thinking up for a while, I don’t imagine anyone in marvel has their power set. Yes, you guessed it right, we’re talking about Storm. Warp Gate is low for a similar reason; it’s one of the most useful abilities a person could have, but without ally support, you can be easily overpowered. Even the most powerful of attacks would fail to do any damage to him. If someone had for example the same level of expertise and control over telekinesis (using a popular answer here), would they overpower Crazy useful as a spy In one of the post Decimation storylines, there was a woman whose mutant power was to digest/metabolize bugs. 10 Invulnerability Apocalypse is nearly invulnerable. A twelfth-century Crusader originating from France, Bennet du Paris – a. Well known as the ice queen of the Marvel Universe, Emma Frost has been around for a long time. If you think it is, you’re ignoring all that Since they first appeared way back in 1958, there have been dozens of members, honorary members, and substitute heroes, if not over a hundred. After his powers develop, he kills 265 people, including his parents and girlfriend, before Wolverine comes and kills him. He had the ability to turn himself and anything he touched invisible, it didn't even need to Whether heroes, villains, or those who care little for such labels, these are the most powerful Marvel mutants around. Don't worry about getting executed - the mutant powers themselves will kill you, right after the GM ignores your roll and decides your energy barrier manifests under your skin before you teleport, leaving you standing five feet away from a pile of your skin on the floor. This has been used to temporarily incapacitate others, by messing That being said, some of the most powerful mutants throughout X-Men history have made appearances in the films and TV shows. Martha Johansson's telepathic powers manifested and she was kidnapped by John Sublime's U-Men. 4 Being Blue John Zander, or as he is better known, Jazz, is a pretty unfortunate mutant. Magneto is pretty high up on the chart of "mutants who've mastered their powers". Reply reply more replies More replies More replies more replies More replies. First Appearance X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever #1 It is difficult to take a character named Eye-Scream all that seriously and, considering his one and only appearance in Marvel Comics came in the 1983 comedic one-off Obnoxio the Clown #1, it's clear you're not supposed to take him seriously at all. Mutants are a mixed bag, there are powers that are outright disabilities, whereas there are powers that make mutants almost gods. He seems like a perfect choice to be on the X-men. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. There's Shoto Todoroki's Half-Cold Half-Hot, which allows him to simultaneously control Most mutant powers are a collection of several smaller, binary power-states that converge into harmony. There, they run into a huge problem: the stoic and controlled Raven can't control Starfire's powers that rely on emotions, and Starfire's exuberant energy causes Raven's powers to go haywire. ly/3wba66 Her power is telepathy (one of the more useful and versatile powers around), her lack of mobility has nothing to do with her mutant power. Except that when he's not stretching out, he has six feet of extra skin flapping around. There is rarely any in-between sometimes. k. Top 3 Hilarious but Useful Mutant Powers in Marvel ComicsThanks for watching!https://www. Which of the Original X-men team members mutant powers would YOU rather have if you could choose? Menu . For a while they said he got his powers from the sun; absorbed energy and could then release it via his eyes. See what’s happening on Girls Ask Guys now! Personas. So underrated but so useful. Doug Ramsey, also known as Cypher has been around since the early Eighties, a product of the Warring Schools era of X-Men comics. Now Cyclop's power is the most unique, and least explained mutant power. Cary has a slight edge in terms of power levels over Kerry. ly/2eI6p18💜Subscribe To Most Amazing Top 10 Anime💜: https://bit. Sort by: Best. Like Kitty, Storm too got her Most of the mutants we see in the Marvel universe either have useful superpowers, such as laser eyes or telekinesis, or something extreme, such as having the power to explode once then die. While more useful than Kylun's, Mimic's power isn't that original: He can mimic anybody near him. Aaaaand then they never tell us The ability to steal the powers of others is most definitely one of the most useful abilities you could have, because it means you've got the potential to have any super power you desire. So Beast's 'running tests' is just him asking Daniel to drink some kid blood. Using her magical energy, Illyana was able to create the sword using her own soul power. New. Solem was raised as a pirate with Sevyr Blackmore and was eventually imprisoned for his crimes. Wolverine's powers are very cool, but they aren't exactly the most powerful. Quirks are almost never terrible. Yawn - mutant with the power to skip ahead in time for the duration of a legit yawn. Others, however, border on Cronenbergian body horror. Reply reply more reply More replies. Can infiltrate Jeff Bezos' life and then steal a few million and run off into the sunset. Wolverine's adamantium claws are nearly unbreakable and can cut through anything, but their only useful within a couple feet. Wolverine's power is that he regenerates any damage, which also makes him immortal and all of his tattoos are temporary. However at the high end, at an All 46M subscribers in the AskReddit community. The best powers are useful and unique. ly/2eI6p18There are many differen My favorite power would be very much akin to plastic man from dc. I know his powers are involentary whe It's likely that the four-issue Ms. He couldn't light his hand on fire or teleport across the world or speak with plants or ride on telepathic dragons. She was not always a brain in a jar. She can take any sound that’s being made or is about to be made and either lower or raise the volume. r/xmen. Without a doubt, one of Magik's most powerful abilities is being able to create such a weapon as the Soulsword. A brave mutant willing to go through the Crucible to get their power to levitate an inch off the ground back probably isn't as useful to Krakoan society as a whole as say a more squeamish mutant with the ability to create massive force fields or heal people. Controversial. Top. I’m going with Mystique. I say Morph, because morph could switch between mutant appearances and powers quick enough that the sentinels wouldn’t be able to adapt fast enough. Aside form being a powerful telepath, Legion can also create powers for each of his 200+ split personalities. Reading comics isn’t easy. With Magik, transportation is never an issue With Mystique, there aren’t too many obstacles to what you want. Thankfully, advancements in technology have gifted him with pistols that draw upon said energy. Outside of his mutant powers, Bishop seems to be quite skilled as a time No-Girl was introduced in Grant Morrison's seminal New X-Men run and her story is one of the most tragic in the X-Men's history. While ForgetMeNot is certainly weird, Legion has worked to fix the memory-morphing mutant's powers. On the rare occasion that he does receive harm, he can simply regenerate or change his molecular This runs into the problem with the question. Marvel: The New Mutant #1 is available from Marvel Comics August 30. These are the 10 members of the Legion Of Super-Heroes with the most useful powers Top 10 Useless Mutants With Useful Powers💚Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd💚: http://bit. com/channel/UCQ-SiAcBBVR-YqspZXVideQ/join#shorts #fyp #dc #M Today we're going to look at a mutant who is playing a huge role in Powers of X, but who couldn't be considered a 'star' by any means. Here are Apocalypse's powers, ranked. Telepathy and Telekenesis is also a Among the dozens of mutants saved by the Mutant Underground, one of the most useful was Wes. + with that and her time altercation powers, she can stop a lot of events and people including very powerful ones Reply reply whistlepig4life • Jamie Madrox the Multiple Man. Franklin Richards was once at the forefront of this list due to his omnipotence. Jean Grey is one of the original X-Men members with telepathic and telekinetic talents. People could be born with a tail or feathers and still be a mutant, while others are born with the potential for unlimited power. In fact, he has three distinct powers: his optic blasts, an instinctive understanding of trigonometry, and an immunity to his own power signature which also applies to select other mutants. [34] Cyclops' mutant power isn't just to fire blasts of kinetic force. While Cyclops' three powers have been around from very early in Marvel lore, they're explained most clearly in Warren Ellis As the illegitimate son of Charles Xavier, the founder of the X-Men and one of the most powerful telepaths ever, it's no wonder that David Haller, AKA Legion, inherited psionic mutant powers and would grow to become "the Imagine wielding the incredible power of the Human Torch, bending metal with the finesse of Magneto, or navigating the world with Spider-Man's spider-sense. BrunoStalky • Beast Ugly John (whose given name was actually Steve) was a mutant with no superpowers. With magic this mutant would be truly a tough opponent. Are there any mutants with some boring mutations like having a deformed leg or something? Archived post. The claws and the adamantium skeleton aren't mutant abilities, its because of what Weapon X did to him. Top 3 Hilarious but Useful Mutant Powers in Marvel Comics. I mean, imagine if you're washing your face, or if you have an itch in your eye, or you're rubbing the sleep off, or taking a shower, or going to an eye doctor's appointment, or simply waking up all bleary-eyed in the middle of the night to drink Cypher may be a physically weak X-Man, but he possesses one of the most useful mutant powers of all time, a power that many in the real world would love to have: omnilingualism. Yes, Franklin could do anything from molecular restructuring to reality-altering. Marvel is most useful as an invisible - but still powerful - agent of the X-Men. By physically touching another mutant, the Nazi Doctor's ability prevents that mutant from using . Her mutant powers basically make her perfectly enhanced in almost all areas, including speed, endurance, reflexes, intuition, flight, telepathy, telekinesis, and most importantly here -- strength. Usually bad things. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Its a power set that would keep things fresh and interesting. Need to sneak into a building? Have Amp lower all your An alpha-level mutant, these powers of his are some of the most dangerous in all of mutant kind. The home of all things X-Men on reddit, be it comic books, film, television, gaming or any other medium that Marvel's mutants have inspired people over the last half-century. He just explodes, and then he's gone for The next mutant on our list has the power to freeze you in the middle of the desert. Jubilee was the inadvertent Franklin is more of an honorable mention on this list because currently, he is completely depowered, which landed him in this, well, still flattering position. This power is tactically useful, but it also cuts Xabi off from Which of the Original X-men team members mutant powers would YOU rather have if you could choose? - Entertainment & Arts Question . If I get a second one then flying would be great, but not without invulnerability first, I Christine Cord first appeared in New X-Men #126, originally possessing the power to manipulate patterns and markings on her skin in various ways. I started thinking about which mutant we didn’t see in the days of future past movie would be most useful in its world. Despite his muscular physique and relatively cool outfit, Eye-Scream is a joke of a villain for the mere fact Welcome to the official X-Men subreddit. If you could pick your powers and set of physical attributes (not the looks or gender) from this list of mutant characters, which would they be and wh Her real power lies in being able to know the outcome and deduce the most optimal path to achieving the said outcome (about as close as we get to an Omega Precog). Open comment sort options. The group dissected her, removing her brain from her body and controlling it with drugs, using her powers on other mutants so they could Useless Superheroes With Useful Powers | MarathonSubscribe: https://bit. mutant_mamba • I always start with Favorable Beginnings and then Luck of the Far Realms. Surviving only through his mutant gift – the darker it is, the stronger and more durable The mutant powers of the woman called M are really a mishmash of abilities that, at the end of the day, make her an almost perfect being. Still, he used his powers for good and helped the people around town. At first, it seemed like he was only using Which are the most useful illithid powers for a paladin? How many tadpoles can I use before I get some unattended Transformation? Share Add a Comment. When Santo was first shattered by the Kingmaker and put back together by Hellion,[33] it was much like how Emma Frost in her diamond form was reanimated by Jean Grey. Energy Plasmoids. ly/3BC5JTPSubscribe To Our Main Channel: http://bit. Her powers are the most useful in the whole Multiverse, and they even have an interesting backstory: as a kid, she was chosen to be enhanced by the High Evolutionary at Mount Wundagore. I’d do my best to train with Magik or potentially with Apocalypse learning as much as I could. Solem is a tough Intuitive Genius: Forge is a mutant with a superhuman intuitive talent for inventing mechanical devices. a. The home of all things X-Men on reddit, be it comic books, film, television, 10 X-Men Powers That Would Actually Be Useful in Real Life The 10 Most Important X-Men Comics of All Time, Ranked Sign in to your CBR account. I could never! Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Then Bleach has Darwin has the ability to mutate his body as need to survive. Items (44) Active Humans! Created by b. In Teen Titans, there's the episode where Raven and Starfire switch bodies. wjhm hoddwj ivpp ewtzn ipula zhadiy gdtvfa twdbia faskr yljv