Mvc linq query with dynamic column name in where clause. You need to include the Library separately.
Mvc linq query with dynamic column name in where clause GKZ where s. Modified 6 years, 11 months ago. net mvc. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Note 1. But now I need to query the database and only display the rows where column "a" is greater than or equal to column "b". Therefore no real ordering is performed. Required, but never shown Post Your Answer @Query("select distinct :columnName from Item i") List<Item> findByName(@Param("columnName") String columnName); I would like to use such a method for performing queries dynamically using different column Note 1. For people in the future, keep in mind that calling names. Dynamic Field Names. These are much easier to To construct the where clause, you will want to use dynamic LINQ: As this allows you to use string column names to perform the query. Then you can use it in the following way: Dynamic Or Clause Linq. Contains(outerIt. 1. Personnels where (search the array) select p). Hot Network Questions How to set/force EXE stack size with 1988 Turbo C 2. Linq. conditional where in According to the input, there may be 1 key to 10 keys. Thanks. Contains(param) select res; return query; } } Scott Gu posted about the Dynamic LINQ library a while back which essentially allows you to use strings to query collections in a "LINQ"-type format. Where() method would re-apply that expression to every Dynamic where clause using Linq to SQL in a join query in a MVC application. user entering complicated expression right in search box). i am not before dev pc. But by using a Func<T, bool> instead, the . I would like to use such a method for performing queries dynamically using different column names on the same entity Then, use the QueryDSL class PathBuilder to generate queries dynamically using field names and field values. tbl_MyTable WHERE CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(10), DateTimeValueColumn, 102) AS DATE) <= CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(10),GETDATE(),102) AS DATE) AND Active = 1 So could anyone give me suggestion how could I check only date ASP . so curious to know can we pass column name dynamically for where clause. see a screen shot for searching grid. Trim <> String. var Ids = from item in json["items"] where According to the input, there may be 1 key to 10 keys. Hot Network Questions I'm trying to query data of the form with LINQ-to-EF: class Location { string Country; string City; string Address; } by looking up a location by the tuple (Country, City, Addre If you are using plain LINQ-to-objects and don't want to take a dependency on an external library it is not hard to achieve what you want. Bedrijfsnaam Select wc) // if dropdown has value return View(db. I'm thinking I may need to dynamically add an . two where clauses whenever it doesn't make the statement unintelligible. Wildcard in SQL Query with Parameters. Check below logic, you can use N number of dynamic / un-sure parameters / conditions-- flages declare @chk_vendor bit; declare @chk_entity bit; -- setting off set @chk_entity = 0; set @chk_vendor = 0; if @Vendor_Name is not null begin set @chk_vendor = 1; end else if @Entity is not null begin set @chk_entity = 1; end Assumption : Hope your table names are like Tbl_Group_Communities and Katastralgemeinden. I have a string coming in through my route. which has InnerContainer nested entity with two properties Name and Id. IdRole. AvgScore. Where to my linq statement. 18. NET MVC dynamic column name? 1. Your code might provide parameters for the filter, or the sort key, or other expressions that are part of the query. PlanProgress > 0. Another solution: You can extend your JPA repo interface using custom fragment interfaces. I'm trying to query data of the form with LINQ-to-EF: class Location { string Country; string City; string Address; } by looking up a location by the tuple (Country, City, Addre you can easily create dynamic queries in c# if you add more restrictions to the current query. Modified 12 years, 9 months ago. Dynamically select column name using Linq to Entities MVC Linq Query with dynamic column name in WHERE clause. EngineerId == I'm using Entity Framework 6 with ASP. So how do I now add . contactText } ); } That's because Status is not a string. PHONE). e. Rather than messing with reflection, custom expression trees, etc. SQL Server 2008 R2 dynamic column name usage. In most LINQ queries, the general shape of the query is set in code. As a rough example: public class Foo { public int Column1 { get; set; } public int Column2 { get; set; } } public static class FooExtensions { // I would use the actual type here instead of object if you know the type. In your attempt, User. Dynamic Linq query not working as expected - what am I doing i am not before dev pc. Assuming I'm splitting each word on a space, foreach one of these items I want to dynamically add a . Linq query FromSql where passing string value. E. ): if you want to to select the manager, then you need to use FirstOrDefault() as you used one line above, but if it is expected to have multiple managers returned, then you will need List<Manager>, try like:. Parse(typeof(Status), searchString. id, c. my search controller function: I have created a dynamic search screen in ASP. value == "ABC1234" select i; Edit: the following T-SQL comes up with the correct results: I personally would always go with the && vs. something like this: Dim objQuery = (From wc In _dbBellen. Dynamic Linq looks like it will allow me to specify the field as a string based query, which is what I want, but I'm not sure it supports the SQL IN clause. Distinct() clause not working c# MVC. How to return Distinct Row using LINQ. I even tried something like this before the LINQ query: For people in the future, keep in mind that calling names. Status searchStatus = Enum. Edit: datatypes in both columns are int. Where clause breaks instead. Dynamic and not typesafe code must only be introduced where it's hard to achieve the same with type safety (e. If you need to access the LINQ methods and the column names from the table, you can code something like this: Dynamically set the table name in LINQ query. Format("{0} == \"abc\"", columnName)) . You can access the property of your query's type through it. Thanks! marcel Here is a simple example using IQueryable in VB. public interface PersonFragRepository { List<User> findPersonByWhatever( String firstName, String lastName, String age, String gender); } In My LINQ Query I use Where Clauses to check whether a property exists within an array of values. Building a dynamic query with LINQ. Any() where names is a list<T> causes errors since (if I understand correctly), LINQ can only handle IQueryable lists when translating a query to SQL. Ability to retrieve variable number of columns and specify any Where clause. matchedManager = managers. Size == 3); q = q. Modified 13 years, 8 months ago. Creating lambda expression. I'll give some of the sample LINQ queries a shot and see if I can integrate them with our code, and then get post my results. var list = new List<Item>(); var q = list. I see a couple of approaches to solve that: 1) Have a list of all properties that are available for filtering, match the properties and add them dynamically to your linq query. LINQ where condition with First time using c# and Linq. [Description] Like @What AND companies_SimpleList. Dynamic and System. Is there a way to add OR/AND clauses to my Linq query dynamically? This method allows you to add as many column names as you require to a string[] along with the corresponding values to check in a separate object[]. Where(p => p. Core package libraries to programmatically set a Instead of using language operators or type-safe lambda extension methods to construct your LINQ queries, the dynamic query library provides you with string-based extension methods that you can pass any Build where clause dynamically in Linq. Name, //ok // contactItems is an array of ContactItem // so it can be null that's why I get null exception // when it's actually null phone = c. The question does not call for Dynamic LINQ, all that is needed is arbitrary chaining, which is already possible using explicit LINQ method calls. AddCondition("Salary", How to use the System. In your case, it probably won't be noticeble at all, but having 2 where clauses definitely will have a performance impact if you have a large collection, and if you use all of the results from this query. You might filter items using a where clause, sort the output collection using orderby, group items, or perform some computation. Is it possible to create a linq query where prefix and value are concatenated for comparison in the where clause? I've tried this, but it always returns an empty set: selected = from i in dc. Customers. Private Function GetZeroScoreWhere(ByVal qry As IQueryable(Of ScoreTest), ByVal score As ScoreTest) As IQueryable(Of ScoreTest) If score. Projects orderby c. query = query. I don't want to use multiple conditions and form the Where clause . Name)", list); Note that outerIt is kind of a keyword built in the library (you don't need to modify it as you can read it in an answer here). Update: so matchedManager is already List<T>, in the case it should be like:. ProjectId descending select c). This by itself probably isn't useful. Include System. Tbl_Group_Communities join sa in db. You don't need the final check to see if the column l_id. In other words same name as the class names. If you create a Filter object that contains criteria for Linq that normally goes in a where clause like this: var myFilterObject = FilterFactory. Short answer is to add library System. PlanProgress > 0). There are four fields that allow the users to filter their search. Where clause on dynamic column name in LINQ query? 2. I have a question . Define your custom methods on a new interface. NET MVC. 0 for a reverse engineering project The column name is added by the user so I won't be able to use the latter. address. DataSource = _db. how to set dynamic Where Clause in Linq Query with C#. GKZ equals sa. Improve this question. We will use these entities in the DbContext to produce a query. What is the best way to make a LINQ-to-XML statement dynamic? 1. I have nvarchar parameters and int parameters. Dynamic joins public class MyApplicationModel:Controller { //use entity framework private MyApplicationEntities entities = new MyApplicationEntities(); // // Method to query database for price lists table public IQueryable<pricingUploaded> GetPricingList() { return entities. IdentifierTypeCode == "LOYALTY") like I would in SQL. Predicate Builder looks like i could create an expression by chaining Predicate. StartsWith(value) is just a method call on object of type string (from memory:) Expression. Where(x => x. Dynamic Essentially, it generates the query from a string you pass in. firstname, //ok lastName = c. Where(d => d. Unfortunately I cannot test this at the moment. In this article. NET 4. i just started working with EF. Now here's a look at the query that I have: I've read through a lot of sites and have tried adding a . Hot Network Questions I have a function where I get a list of ids, and I need to return the a list matching a description that is associated with the id. NET 5 MVC application with LINQ expressions. Viewed 2k times 0 . Table. Drafts. You would more than likely want to control this by passing data into your controller (query string, form value, route value, etc. 10. Dynamic table name with entity framework. I am working on getting the results of this sql query in LINQ SELECT DISTINCT(Type) FROM Product WHERE categoryID = @catID this is my repository query: public IQueryable<ProdInfo> . column name from first_table a inner join second_table b – Possible Duplicate: Conditional Linq Queries. Ask Question Asked 14 years, 8 months ago. We've already checked that l_id == id, so obviously the column exists. 0. 6. But in your inner query tis. Dynamic Linq - Perform a query on an object with members of type "dynamic" 0. Using a dynamic column in the WHERE clause of a select statement. The OrderBy() clause accepts a Func<TSource, TKey> that gets a sort key from a source element. Here's a sample of the code you'd write: Dim Northwind As New NorthwindDataContext Dim query = Northwind. IsInRole("Admin") would execute immediately and pass its result to . OrderBy("SupplierId") Gridview1. You can define the function outside the OrderBy() clause:. Building the 'where' clause in a Linq query. Skip to main content. Select into the query but the . Dim query As IEnumerable(Of DataRow) = From x In tab. Call( columnNameProperty, startWithMethodInfo) Dynamic Linq looks like it will allow me to specify the field as a string based query, which is what I want, but I'm not sure it supports the SQL IN clause. : public class CodeData { string CodeId {get; set;} string Description {get; set;} } public List<CodeData> GetCodeDescriptionList(List<string> codeIDs) //Given the list of institution codes, return a list of CodeData //having the given dynamic column name in where clause. Stack Overflow. ToUpper()); first then use that in your query (NOTE: Do not put the parsing code directly into the query). Entity Framework: generate dynamic where clause and select custom columns. From this, though, I want to run another Linq query that gets a list of Personnel, that code is as follows: List<Personnel> query = (from p in this. What I am asking is shouldn't this be done with three different queries but not with a method like this ? it is possible; indeed, if the dynamic LINQ library can do it, it MUST be possible; working What I want to do is dynamically construct a lambda where clause from the return options. colName. supplier}; Following is a complete working example of I want to dynamically place column name in my select-query. GetBlank(); myFilterObject. how to select dynamic column in linq query. Name == "foo")); This would only return Drafts that had a name of "foo". c#; arrays; linq; Share. I want to search a couple of different columns for the values in my string. OrderBy("CompanyName"). , i. Share. Dynamic Field Name in dynamic type in ASP. Without going through all the details, what I have is a method that takes parameters for filtering and sorting items on a jqGrid on an MVC page. DataBind() generate where clause dynamically with dynamic column names. Second Approach: When you have Dynamic Linq: The Dynamic LINQ library exposes a set of extension methods on IQueryable corresponding to the standard LINQ methods at Queryable, and which accept strings in a special syntax instead of expression trees. This query seems to be correct from point of view of result obtained. SQL Server Query using a Dynamic Column Name. Count >= @1", "London", 10). It’s not included in . I've found examples of how to "dynamically" add more where clauses to a linq query, but I'm not sure how to make it work with my specific query. I already figured out how to query the database and display all contents. Hot Network Questions Expressing thousands in hundreds Jewish pirate buried next to ARIZAL How would a village be built if its building materials change properties every This solution also would be nice if you would like to using dynamic Column Name ( in this case "NAME" ) in equal Linq query. You need to include the Library separately. Skip(starting). This can be handled by calling var queryableNames = names. Equals(acces. . But I think the correct syntax in this case should be dataContext. Value) But also generates a bad result. net core -EF-, that is received columns names from user, and then create query depended on these inputs to get data and after that System. Dynamic query with Linq. ToList(); Possible Duplicate: Conditional Linq Queries. Hot basically all things that you can write in a query you can produce here with expressions - expressions are a way to write code dynamically, so expression like x. You want to An ASP. Email. AsEnumerable(). Contains(id)",ids);, not the other way around, and that version does not work out-of-the-box. Where(String. Appending this to end refers to the new object. dealer_telefonies Order By wc. from s in db. What if there is a join here? Can we still use "With clause " if there is a join? for instance what if the base query is something like this : select a. EndDate) is computed for each element in collection with t. Add(new Person { firstName = c. See here for a way to add this functionality to dynamic link. Your currently query is incorrect. Here's one example, and here's another. NET Core code tutorial for writing dynamic queries for Entity Framework. net mvc project with entity frameworks. 2. SQL query pass column name dynamically. HTH. Using distinct in LINQ where >1 column involved. contactType == ContactType. Take(2); any help will be appreciated. You should filter then select the required columns. Commented Feb 15, How can I query an unknown property with ASP/MVC Entity framework? 0. The classes included in the DynamicQuery sample of the download allow you to create dynamic queries at runtime in the following format: var query = db. LINQ to SQL allow user to query data from the database without writing sql queries by writing You use these techniques to build queries at run time, where some user input or run-time state changes the query methods you want to use as part of the query. System. AsQueryable(); q = q. code example : this function is generic for all tables in model. In traditional mssql, I could write query like below. You probably want to convert the searchString to a Status with . 0. XXX Then Return qry. if the user selects "Process No" and "Contains" then the lambda would look like model. Where("City = @0 and Orders. prefix + i. Core. Linq to entity LINQ - Dynamic Column Names. Commented Jun 8, problem with WHERE clause. Imagine a scenario in which we have a collection of objects and want to allow the user to filter the collection by filtering on combination In this post I am going to discuss about building dynamic query with the LINQ. Viewed 5k times SQL query pass column name dynamically. PlanProgress != null && p. DataSource = query Gridview1. Net MVC 5. , when using Entity Framework, consider using the Builder Method extensions to the standard LINQ operators which take strings rather than lambdas. A sample . I would like to update the query: string[] itemColour string[] itemType List<displayItem> I am using MVC 5, LINQ TO Entity, . Hot Network Questions linq query with dynamic where clause. Dynamic. and it's not always the case that the column of comparison is Id. Change displayed name for column ASP. g. Name. Func<Item, Object> orderByFunc = null; The table I'm joining the first to contains the loyaltyNo in its Identifier column, but also contains other information in the same column and so uses a second column IdentifierTypeCode to allow filtering. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 9 months ago. Dynamic LINQ is better than I played around with PredicateBuilder from the guys at LINQPad, and tried a few other things, but in the end the LINQ Dynamic Query Library (System. 0 for a reverse engineering project Dynamic Linq looks like it will allow me to specify the field as a string based query, which is what I want, but I'm not sure it supports the SQL IN clause. CallType = ScoreTest. No need to use ad-hoc query (execute SP_ExecuteSQL). Using Entity Framework 4. – Hamid. So basically what you are currently doing is saying that for all entities string contained in orderBy should be used as a key. i just compose a sample query. This was a brilliant answer . Value = 0 Or c. Or expressions together, but i don't know how i can use my column name string in each of these. Select(new {c. Where( ci => ci. pricingUploadeds; } // // Method to query Column1 and Column2 in table This means you end up with a collection of ints, meaning you can't then filter by another column. NET Core MVC. So its a better way to obtain Max value outside of a query as follows: MVC WebGrid Dynamic Columns. 4. I have a search condition like this. I retrieved the field names from the entity through reflection so that I could allow the user to choose which fields they wanted to search on . Where(Function(c) You declare query to be of type IEnumerable(Of DataRow) in the following line:. Core or Dynamic LINQ is an open-source query library that extends the functionalities of LINQ by making the queries dynamic. Where("CategoryID=2 AND UnitPrice>3") _ . NET by You could use reflection and extension methods. Dynamic query using LINQ to SQL. But you try to asign the result, which is of type IEnumerable(Of String), to query, which is of type IEnumerable(Of DataRow). AsQueryable() and using queryableNames instead I played around with PredicateBuilder from the guys at LINQPad, and tried a few other things, but in the end the LINQ Dynamic Query Library (System. Products _ . MyTable where res. I even tried something like this before the LINQ query: So the tricky part for me is how to transform the working query into a LINQ Expression that I can attach to the dynamic list of expressions. CallTypeEnum. LINQ where condition with dynamic column. column_name , b. You I have a sql database and an asp. You probably might need to look into Dynamic LINQ Query Library You have to create lambda expression first then pass it to order by clause. AsEnumerable() Now, you want to create an IEnumerable(Of String) with your Select, which is fine. For example, USERNAME, CELLPHONE, ADDRESS. I'm using SQL Server 2008 Express, and I have a stored procedure that do a SELECT from table, based on parameters. Process_No. How I can do this? public IEnumerable MyTable MySelect(string colName, string param) { using (MyEntities db = new MyEntities ()) { var query = from res in db. MVC Linq Query with dynamic column name in WHERE clause. items where i. Follow MVC Linq Query with dynamic column name in WHERE clause. I want it to be dynamic like if i receive starts with it should replace LINQ query starts , endswith ,equals etc and also it should be flexible with dynamic column like I have to apply same logic for State,Country,Zip etc' Please post some sample code if possible C# Dynamic Linq Where Clause. SELECT * FROM dbo. Required, but never shown Post Your If I am not misunderstanding he wants to send a parameter that will be the column name in the query. Where("@0. Here is the query I need C# Dynamic Linq Where Clause. Ask Question Asked 13 years, 8 months ago. Dynamic Linq Query Help? 0. Dynamic) made this task very simple. Improve this answer. AsQueryable() and using queryableNames instead Argument of OrderBy method gives LINQ the key that should be used to order results of the query. Dynamic Where in linq with list parameters in action asp. Name. But upper query check date + time value. Zero. G_ID == 1 select s You can learn more about join here : Join Operators EDIT: actually I think I messed this up. Ask Question Asked 7 years ago. 5. First(). Dynamic as a reference and do: string columnName = "Supplier"; var s1 = Suppliers . Keywords Like @Keywords AND how can I have such a linq query. I'm need to do the equivalent of a t-sql statement like this using LINQ: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE idnumber IN('1', '2', '3') Name. Where(Function(c) c. I want to build a dynamic report by Asp. Katastralgemeinden on s. Empty) End If Return qry. SQL Server Pass column name as where clause parameter. I want to add where condition for all the tabels that have "AccountId" column. Dynamically name a column based on a WHERE condition. Contains(SearchTerm)); foreach (Candidate c in candidates) { results. Select("new(CompanyName as Name, Phone)"); dynamic column name in where clause. you can select all ids from the items where name is "one" using the following LINQ query. Hot Network Questions Is it acceptable to use concepts from I want to add where clauses to a linq query only if there is the column on the generic type table. The . 3. Max(w => w. But here in Linq I can only think of using an IF condition where I will write the same if you are doing a dynamic search on a Conditional Where clause in Linq query for specific cases. If this were to be done using sql queries I would have used string builder to have them appended to the main strSQL query. Use variable sql for column name. The query will contain a Where clause and we will create a dynamic Lambda expression in the Where clause. – manish. In the LINQ query, I tried with this syntax in where clauses: where t. InstrumentLists. MVC 3, C# - invalid column name generated by code. Where(). Database. Dynamic dynamic column name and parameter. Here is my problem, my where clause looks like this: WHERE [companies_SimpleList]. my query is currently like blow that brings all records from table Projects: var query = (from c in db. – Niklas. Where() extension method isn't just expecting a bool, it's expecting a Func<T, bool> expression which returns a bool. Linq Column name as variable. Or as well. Take a look at the examples in the documentation. contactItems. zzpnvy laza akam qvc vqzcffki tqdpze nzrfn icfb psqx dcdhk