Shear vane equipment. Borehole vane – 10m rods – view brochure: £500.
Shear vane equipment Stevenston . A gauge on the top of the rod measures the torque required to cause failure of the soil and provides a conversion to shear Handheld, portable and easily used piece of field equipment to enable geotechnical engineers and technicians to provide accurate and meaningful results of shear strength in kilopascals (kPa). The Vane Shear Set provides a rapid check of the stability of foundations, excavations and trenches in clay. When the engineer turns the rods, initially just the rods turn and then the rods and vane turn. You also need a shear vane. The equipment, that may be carried in a briefcase, is lightweight, and thus a useful tool to provide a rapid check of the stability of foundations, Shear Vane Servicing We hold most parts for the various brands of shear vanes in use in NZ, including scroll springs, replacement vanes, pins, bushes etc. With a nominal torque of 100 Nm all standard but also customised vanes can be applied, allowing for the determination of the undrained shear strength of cohesive soils. The torque required to rotate the vane provides a measure of the soil’s shear strength, which can be used to estimate its bearing capacity. It takes on-site measurements of excavations and readings of thin-wall or split core soil samples. 95/32 (kPa). The Geonor vane shear system is used for testing soft clays in Pocket shear vane test equipment includes driver (vane shear tester) and 3 additional vanes for testing shear strength of cohesive soils in the lab or field. Order: 1 set. com) Determination of the shear strength of undrained soft to stiff soils; Fully automatic controlled laboratory vane tester including data acquisition and evaluation software; Unlimited shear displacement; Digital measurement of shear Vane Shear Strength and Remoulded Vane Shear Strength are measured, as Vane Shear Strength/Remoulded Vane Shear Strength, e. Direct Shear Testing Equipment. torque value is measured on a collar attached to the shaft. Gregg’s Geonor field vane test can be operated with either a 55mm or a 65mm diameter vane. 2. Home / Soil Field Testing Equipment / Vane Shear / Vane Inspection Set Vane Inspection Set Vane Shear $ 1,250. Our Products High Quality, Advanced and Innovative Testing Equipment. Humboldt also provides probes and augers for in-field soil sampling, as well as soil resistivity testing and moisture testing. Soil shear strength, or shear resistance, is the soil’s ability to withstand shear forces or deformation. Direct Shear Testing Machines; Direct Shear Shearboxes; Direct Shear Weights; Direct Shear Sample Prep; NEXT Direct Shear Software; Pocket Shear Vane, Plastic. which makes it possible to measure shear strength of 0 to 260, 0 to 130 and 0 to 65 kPa respectively. S. The The iVane can measure undrained shear strength values up to 14,000 psf (700 kPa) using a 1. 0000 mm/min; Different return speed facility for residual shear test. Search for: Home; About. 7 x The vane shear test is an in-situ geotechnical testing methods used to estimate the undrained shear strength of fully saturated clays without disturbance. Measuring range: 0 - 240 kPa The unit, all stainless steel made, is supplied calibrated with calibration certificate The plastic pocket shear vane, the heart of the apparatus, is used to take on-site measurements of: excavations; trenches; test pits; thin-wall or split core soil samples. Ayrshire . Est. Min. Check the below link for operation: Hand-held-shear-vane-test-2001-3. 3 kg/cm 2). KA20 3LR . Shear vane testing is a fast and The field vane shear test (FVST) is the most widely used method for measuring the undrained shear strength and sensitivity of soft clays in-situ. Test speed: from 0. It utilizes the hammer on the drill 1:100 gear and torque cell before . 6 ton/sq. Since vane shear strength values are most always higher than field strengths for analyses (5. standard vanes of 50 x 100 mm and 75 x 150 mm can be applied allowing for the determination of the undrained shear strength of cohesive soils. Summary of Test Method 4. With this Torvane, simply measure shear strength on the ends of sample tubes, the surface of block samples or excavations, or other test specimens with rigid confinement. Matest Laboratory Vane apparatus represents a valid alternative to the most common standard triaxial equipment whenever a rapid estimation of the undrained shear strength of a soil specimen is required. 1 and 8. 8. Shear Strength of Soil by Vane Shear Test Apparatus Apparatus The most widely used method for measuring the undrained shear strength and sensitivity of soft clays in-situ. Description; Description. Product Description This Apparatus is designed for conducting Vane Shear Test from the bottom of bore hole in saturated cohesive deposits, for determining their shearing strength. Shear stress tests come in many variations, each designed for a specific purpose in particular settings. com. g. Measurements are indicated with an easily visible non-return pointer, the unit is specifically adapted to present a conversion factor to B. Bishop Ring Shear System Fully automated Ring Shear System that allows for larger specimens to be tested. (Case also has slots for adaptors) G-T0174/KIT: Field inspection shear vane tester kit 16-T0174/2: Spare vane 32 x 16 mm 16-T0174/3: Spare vane 40 x 20 mm 16-T0174/4: Spare vane 50. uk. 2″ (30mm) diameter vane or 900 psf (45kPa) using a 3″ (75mm) vane. The Hand Vane Tester is an accurate and portable instrument used for the determination of in-situ shear strength of cohesive soils, either on-site or on undisturbed or remoulded <p>The H-60 Field Inspection Vane Tester enables quick and easy determination of the undrained shear strength of clay. This can be extended with additional optional extensions. Multiply readings by 0. 3. Consolidation Testing. 10mm vane for 0-1 2OkPa of shear strength; 33mm vane for 0-2SkPa of shear The Hand Vane Tester is an accurate and portable instrument for the determination of in-situ shear strength of cohesive soils. amazonaws. For this reason, a preliminary investigation of soft clays with a hand-held vane tester is both economical and We also provide a variety of hand shear vane testing equipment for determining soil shear strengths. 5. 1 The vane shear test consists of placing a four-bladed vane in the undisturbedintact soil and rotating it from the surface to determine the torque required to shear a cylindrical surface with the vane. 8 x 25. Dial range is 0 to 1. $2,365. This torque, or moment, is then converted to a Contact Info +61 7 5524 2230; sales@cmtequipment. Our Customers. 7 x All stainless steel construction, supplied with three vanes, calibration, spanners and a quality carrying case in a kit. \015\012The Equipment consists of Torque A small vane is typically used for stiff soils, whereas the large vane is required in softer soils. Readings are from 0 to 2. This vane has a straight rod with four vanes in a cruciform pattern and a combined handle/torque gauge. Detailed field investigation of undrained shear strength and sensitivity of soft and medium stiff clays; Hand operated from 0 to 30 metres depth; 2 vane sizes 0-60kPa and 0-100kPa measurement ranges The laboratory Shear Vane Apparatus measures the shear strength of cohesive soils and is particularly useful for soils with low shear strength. Shear Testing. Learn More Here . Three vane sizes allow for the direct determination of undrained shear strength of soft to stiff clays. . 2 FV—field vane. The rod holding the vane is rotated slowly – 6 degrees to 12 degrees a minute – and the torque is measured several times a minute until a cylindrical volume of soil is completely sheared by the vane. The test is relatively simple, quick, and provides a cost-effective way of estimating the soil shear strength; therefore, it is widely used in geotechnical investigations. This torque, or moment, is then converted to a Measures shear strength of cohesive soils in the laboratory or field. Maximum horizontal travel: 23 mm. The H-60 Field Inspection Vane Tester enables quick and easy determination of the undrained shear strength of clay. The small vane is pre-attached to the unit and the standard and large vanes are attached by sliding them over the small vane, aligning the set screw with the indent on the small vane and securing them with the set screw. The Basics of Shear Strength. Contact Us. The field vane shear test (FVST) is The 19mm vane blade offers a range of approximately 180 kPa, with a full range of 170-200 kPa depending on the internal spring. 01696470168 Field vane shear tests were carried out at five locations over the entire treatment area after the completion of the electrokinetic treatment. The Torvane Shear Tester is molded plastic and comes in a plastic molded case. co. Supplied complete with Transport case containing: Vane Tester head complete with clip-on protective perspex cover. The photos shown in this page are taken during the site The vane shear test is an in-situ geotechnical testing method used to estimate the undrained shear strength of fully saturated clays without disturbance. 4. The original undrained shear strength of the soil increased linearly with depth from 5 to 13 kPa from depths of 2 to 6 m. Investigation, testing and monitoring Vane Shear Test The Vane Shear Test is particularly useful for soft clays. 1) Shear Vane Testing. The Shear Hand Vane Tester is specifically designed to measure the undrained shear strength (CU) of cohesive soils, it consists of a cylindrical body with a torsional spring and three interchangeable vanes of different sizes used depending upon the expected strength of the soil. Measures shear strength of cohesive soils in the laboratory or field. Learn more. 2 and 2. Ideal for pedologists and geologists Perfect for measuring in top soils Shear stress indicator for samples/profiles The GVT-100 shear vane system is a sophisticated software-controlled device with a high precision torque sensor. If used correctly it will also measure residual shear strength of cohesive soils (ie clays and silts). 5. Vane Shear Test Kits have everything needed to obtain fast, accurate "in-place" shear readings. Unit 10 Farthing Road LabQuip Ltd supply the We have a selection of testing equipment available for hire: Hand Shear Vane (HSV) Soil Assessment Cone Penetrometer (MEXE Probe) Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) Concrete Cube Description. The vane shear tester does not eliminate the effects of any of these variables. Supplied with: – 12. SKU: H-4227 Category: Vane Shear. 00: 108: Piston sampler: £300. 1 degrees/second to 12 degrees/second. , and the max. We specialize in weather instruments, vibration monitoring and H-60 Hand-Held Vane Tester; H-10 Field Vane Shear Apparatus; K-100 and K-200 Soil Sampler; Inclinometers/Tilt Sensors; Extensometers The TORVANE is a hand-held vane shear device for rapid determination of shear strength in cohesive soils either in the laboratory or the field. 01473 760036. Enables Geotechnical Engineers and technicians to gather accurate and meaningful results of shear strength in kilopascals (kPa). m Vane; Motorised Comes with 38 and 110mm sample holder The equipment is based on a design by the Transport Research Laboratory, England, and is available in hand or motorised versions. The dial indicates directly the shearing strength in kg/cm2. To Use: ASTM Pocket Vane Shear Strength Test Apparatus Soil Cross Plate Shear Vane Tester Vane Shear Machine Testing Equipment. 2 Using the Shear Vane in Drill Core or Tube Sample 5. What equipment does the vane shear test require? To perform a vane shear test, you need a torque wrench, drive head, extension rods, and a spanner for the rod. View More. FVST is a more economic method than for example CPT as its operation does not reuire a 3. 00000 mm/min. The vane blades are This pocket shear vane rapidly measures approximate shear strength of cohesive soils in the field or laboratory. Maximum number of a shear cycles: 50. 19 shows the shear strength profile of treated soil compared to the original shear strength profile. Furthermore it gives a good indication of the over-consolidation ratio, the stress-strain The Geomil Equipment GVT-100 electrical field vane tester is a sophisticated PLC controlled device with a high precision torque sensor. Essential Equipment for Soil Bearing Capacity Tests POCKET SHEAR VANE DEVICE RANGE: 0-1 KG/CM² Designed for the rapid determination in the field or in the laboratory of shear strength of cohesive soils. Hand shear vane – Geonor H-60 – view brochure: Borehole vane – 10m rods – view brochure: £500. Equipment. 1 The vane shear test consists of placing a four-bladed vane in the undisturbed soil and rotating it from the surface to determine the torque required to shear a cylindrical surface with the vane. The shear vane test is typically Looking for cost-effective hire equipment to use for a day, a week, a month, or longer? To confirm the availability of our hire equipment or to book an item, please contact us today. au; CMT EQUIPMENT HEAD OFFICE & WAREHOUSING 30 Industry Drive Tweed Heads South NSW 2486 Australia Highlights. 1 Principle of Vane Shear Test. Support. H-4227 SKU: SL815 CATEGORY: Vane Shear Equipment. The field vane shear test (FVST) is the most widely used method for measuring the undrained shear strength of soft to stiff clays. The test is relatively simple, quick, and provides a cost-effective way of estimating the soil shear strength. Visit our geotechnical testing and engineering landing page for more in-depth information. 4 mm The shear vane test is a method of measuring the undrained shear strength of a cohesive soil. This section provides all the instruments needed for the analysis of soil samples Be careful not to rotate the vane during this first procedure. 3) they often are checked or compared with other methods of measuring undrained shear strength. Chapter 1: Introduction to Vane Shear Test • Definition and Purpose • Historical Development • Overview of Soil Shear Strength Chapter 2: Principles of Operation • Basic Working Principle • Mechanics of Soil Shearing • Theoretical Background Chapter 3: Equipment and Apparatus • Components of the Vane Shear Testing Equipment o Vane The field vane shear test (FVST) is the most widely used method for measuring the undrained shear strength of soft to stiff clays. Consists of a torque head adjustable in height by means of a lead screw rotated by a drive wheel to enable the vane to be lowered into the specimen. The lap shear test commonly determines the strength and durability of an adhesive. 05kg/cm², read directly using standard vane. pdf (fl-nzgs-media. The Pilcon Hand Vane Tester is an accurate and portable instrument for the determination of in-situ shear strength of cohesive soils, either on site or on undisturbed samples in laboratory. Services – Laboratory Vane Apparatus for soil shear strength determination. Vane shear test gives accurate results for soils of low shear strength (less than 0. 00. ). 1 Where the shear vane is used either in the end of drill core while it is still inside the core barrel or in the end of a sample within a thin wall Impact Test Equipment Ltd. Add to cart. 33mm Vane for 0-28kPa shear strength; Spanners; Instructions; Case m Vane; Motorised Comes with 38 and 110mm sample holder The equipment is based on a design by the Transport Research Laboratory, England, and is available in hand or motorised versions. sales@labquipltd. Figure 15. Manual/Hand-operated Static cone penetrometer and for over 30 years Geonor has been the developer and manufacturer of geotechnical instrumentation and test equipment for work and research. Impact Test Equipment Ltd Stevenston Industrial Estate Stevenston Ayrshire KA20 3LR United Kingdom: The electric vane tester is an excellent field instrument for in-situ measurement and evaluation of the undrained shear strength (su) and the remoulded shear strength. There are generally four ways that the vane may be inserted to perform the test: (1) using an unprotected vane advanced at the base of an open or cased borehole; (2) using an unprotected vane The UTS-0088 Pocket Shear Vane Device is a practical equipment for determining the shear strength of cohesive soils. Our testing equipment ranges from manual direct/residual shear machines to the automatic electromechanical direct/shear machine, SHEARMATIC EmS. Shear speed: 0. Figure 5. It also takes evaluations in the laboratory. 00-2,570. However this device, if correctly used in homogeneous and saturated clays, can The Hand Shear Vane Soil Tester comprises a torque head with a direct reading scale for efficient measurements, which can be turned by hand. Calibration Hire Equipment. The total range is 0 to 260kPa (0 to 2. It has an accuracy of 0. The stresses set up in the soil causes deformation of the soil with stress failure being caused by slippage of soil particles, which may lead to sliding of one body of soil relative to the surrounding mass. Also, take a look at the Large Shear Box machine, ideal for soil samples and other materials with large particles. This torque, or moment, is then converted to a the unit The H-60 is a field inspection vane tester used to provide a rapid check of the stability of foundations, excavations and trenches in clay. 5% of full scale reading and can vary rotation speeds from a slow 0. Equipment for measuring torque is located close to the vane, but equipment for measuring rotation is located above the ground surface: D: Diameter of the vane: mm: d: Diameter of vane Peuchen J. 7 mm x 12. com - VAT. Building 21 Stevenston Ind. Thus, soil usually adheres to the rods above the vane and creates a parasitic torsional resistance. A shear testing machine is used to measure the shear strength properties of soil. Here are seven of the most common uses in more detail. The results of the vane shear test are not reliable if clay contains silt or sand. It is primarily intended for use in trenches and excavations at depths up to 3 m. 1 VST—vane shear test. s3. What are the limitations of the Shear Tester? factor to BS 1377 Vane Test results. For the 33mm vane blade, the range is approximately 40kPa. Sample type and size: up to 100 mm square or round. Engineer's quick reference guide. Simple operation with rugged corrosion-resistant metal construction. This equipment usually has a “slip” coupling connection to the vane. Contact Us P Maximum shear force: 5000 N. The peak vane value is determined by a calibrated scale ring built into the head assembly. Metal Pocket Vane Shear. Previous slide Next slide. Based on the original Vane shear testing is one of the most common in-situ methods for the estimation of the undrained shear strength of the soil. 00: 109: U38 The older style of vane equipment turns the vane from the ground surface. The scale built into the The Geonor H-10 Field Vane Shear Apparatus is a fully protected, pressure push-in, field vane instrument. Add To Quote. 7 mm vane – set of four calibrated springs each with deflection/load chart. Stress is applied through the 12. The vane is advanced to the test depth by pushing on The shear head is equipped with shear plates that have a sharp “teeth” that grip the soil along the sides of the hole. The test comprises inserting the vane to the required depth and rotating about a vertical axis which allows the soil to shear. The equipment consists of a torque applicator assembly The shear Vane testing is used to determine the total shear resistance of normally cohesive, un-drained soils (especially soft clays) by fast shearing and is mostly useful for soils with low shear strength. Vane Inspection Set quantity. Overall dimensions (l x d x h): 1040 x 530 x 1200 mm Weight: 60 Automatic Data Acquisition - Direct Shear Every building or structure that is built in or on the earth imposes loads on the soil supporting the foundations. Request a Quote ; Quick Order ; Login ; 0 . No need either to Gregg Drilling operates a number of vane testing systems for testing soils ranging from soft clays to silty tailings deposits. Maximum vertical load: 500 N or 5000 N using 10:1 cantilever loading device supplied with the machine. 1 The NTNU vane shear device For the execution of the VST-experiments, a rotation device was developed at NTNU (Figure 2). The cross handle is used both to push the vane to the desired test depth and to apply the shearing torque. In order to implement civil engineering structures, engineers must take into consideration different types of soil properties as basis for their calculations. The pocket vane tester is a scientifically designed soil testing instrument for the rapid determination of shear strength of cohesive soils, either in the field or in the laboratory. uk . 1377 Vane Test results on the dial. Integral closed loop control motor. , Rate effects in vane shear testing, Proceedings of the 6 th International Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conference Vane shear equipment consists of two thin vanes perpendicular to each other (cruciform) connected to a solid pushing rod (see Figs. Shear Vane. , Mayne P. 5 when using large (sensitive) and small (high-capacity) vanes. Company. Automatic calculation of the appropriate shear velocity based on optimal consolidation parameters. T: 01294 602626 . 5 tsf (1 kg/cm2). 2 This test method is used extensively in a variety of geotechnical explorations to evaluate rapid loading strength for total stress analysis of saturated fine-grained clays and silts. The 19mm vane blade range is approximately 180kPa. The Humboldt H-4212MH Pocket Shear Vane Tester comes with 3 vanes and an L-wrench to attach them to the unit. 5 and 24% (ratio of cross sectional area of vane to the area to be sheared). Triaxial Testing. E: sales@impact-test. The torque measured at failure is the undrained shear strength of the soil. from $77 per day; $231 per week; Services. It enables quick and easy determination of the undrained shear. 8 FIELD VANE TEST (FVT) 8. Complete with Direct Shear and Vane Tests Every building or structure that is built in or on the earth imposes loads on the soil supporting the foundations. Humboldt manufactures and sells quality construction materials testing equipment for use with soil, concrete, cement and asphalt materials. Your Soil Sampling Equipment ; Vane Shear Test Kit ; Bailers ; Water Level Indicators ; Casing/Water Level Indicators ; Environmental Sensors ; Piezometers ; Inclinometer Casing ; Steel Drums ; Lightweight carrying case for easy transport to the field. Vane Shear Plastic Pocket Shear Our Pocket Vane Shear Test Kit provides a quick and efficient method for measuring the undrained shear strength of saturated, fine-grained, cohesive soils, both in the field and in the laboratory. ; The 19mm vane blade is screwed into The vane is inserted into the soil for 60 mm approx. Once the shear head has been expanded and sufficient time for Via delle Industrie, 25 - 24048 Treviolo (BG) - Italy Phone +39 035 2055011 - Fax +39 035 2055055 Email: info@matest. No rod-soil friction is possible due to its tube-protected rods. ft. It is widely used to perform onsite measurements of excavations covering trenches and test pits, thin-wall Figure 1 Vane shear blade cross 2 EQUIPMENT AND TEST SITES 2. The area ratio of the vanes are 14, 16. (2) This section covers the field vane test used in soft and very soft cohesive soils for the determination of the undrained shear A handheld, portable and easily used piece of field equipment. The test is carried out with equipment consisting of a rod with vanes mounted to it that is inserted into the ground and rotated. Dynamic Testing. This test can be done in laboratory or in the field directly on the ground. Documents News Meet the Team. The TORVANE allows shear strength to be measured on the sides of test pits, trenches, or Home > Soil-Field > Shear Vane, Torvane > Pocket Shear Vane, Metal Supports the following standards: ASTM D8121 , ASTM D8121 The Humboldt H-4212MH pocket shear vane Tester provides a quick and efficient method for determining shear strength values of cohesive soils. 1 General (1)P The field vane test is an in situ test and it is carried out with a rectangular vane, consisting of four plates fixed at 90 ° angles to each other, pushed into the soil to the desired depth and rotated. F: 01294 461168 . The metal pocket vane shear tester provides a quick and efficient method for determining shear strength values of cohesive soils. Impact Test Equipment Ltd Stevenston Industrial Estate Stevenston Ayrshire KA20 3LR United Kingdom: Tel: +44 (0) 1294 602626 Fax: +44 (0) 1294 461168 Email: sales@impact-test. 0 x 0. The VJ Tech Laboratory Vane Apparatus, inspired by the original TRL design and adhering to BS1377 standards, is an essential tool for measuring the shear strength of soft soil in both This apparatus is designed for conducting in-situ Vane Shear test from the bottom of bore hole in saturated cohesive deposits, for determining their in-place shearing resistance. A four-blade vane is inserted into the soil and rotated at a constant rate. Structural Soils provides a hire service for specialist geotechnical equipment across the UK, normally with next-day delivery. 2). ; The Hand Vane Tester is supplied as a complete kit with torque head, 19mm vane blade, 33mm vane blade, 2 spanners and an aluminum carry case. The equipment, that may be carried in a briefcase, is lightweight, and thus a useful tool to provide a The Field Vane Shear Tester Kit is used to measure in-situ undrained shear strength in clays. The VJ Tech Laboratory Vane Apparatus, inspired by the original TRL design and adhering to BS1377 standards, is an essential tool for measuring the shear strength of soft soil in both Matest Laboratory Vane apparatus represents a valid alternative to the most common standard triaxial equipment whenever a rapid estimation of the undrained shear strength of a soil specimen is required. 00001 to 15. tjkqp wway dzrqgdb mtjpp fmzg qvgu guevjg efegn atvqw xpnt